"I'm not good enough," you tell yourself after you have just failed your first college exam.
"I'm not good enough," you tell yourself after your favorite sorority from the pervious round has just dropped you during recruitment.
"I'm not good enough," you tell yourself as the boy you have been crushing on tells you he'd rather just be friends.
"I'm not good enough," you tell yourself as you watch someone else get picked for a position you have been working so hard for.
But what if I told you, you were good enough. That the grade you just made doesn't determine your worth, it just shows that you could've studied a little more. That sorority that just dropped you during recruitment is actually doing you a favor because there is another chapter out there that is dying to have you as one of their sisters. That boy that would rather just be friends with you is helping you move one step closer to finding the man you will marry one day. That position that you've worked so hard for is preparing you for something better, something great.
I am not saying that everyday will be a walk in the park. There will be days that are hard, exhausting, and just make you want to quit. But I promise that there will come a day where everything will make sense. You will understand why it didn't work out with that one boy, why you didn't get that one job, and why things just couldn't go your way.
You know how happy a kid gets when you tell them that they can have dessert after dinner? You will be that happy one day.
You know how happy Haley makes Nathan, in One Tree Hill? Well someday, you will have someone who makes you that happy as well.
But none of this happiness came without facing the tough parts of life first. That little kid had to eat all of his vegetables before he could have that dessert. Nathan had to watch Haley go on tour with Chris Keller before he got his happiness.
Right now, in this stage of your life, you are the kid eating your vegetables, but soon you will get to have your dessert and it will all be worth it.