My Top 10 English Covers Of Vocaloid Songs | The Odyssey Online
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My Top 10 English Covers Of Vocaloid Songs

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My Top 10 English Covers Of Vocaloid Songs

I am a sucker for storytelling of all kinds. I feel that music is a form of media which can easily tell stories very effectively if done right. Some of the best story based songs of the past decade or so (in my opinion) are those created by Vocaloid. Vocaloid is a Japanese voice bank software created by Crypton Future Media. A song is created through Vocaloid by composing all notes and selecting (from a large voice bank) which syllables the machine sings for each note. Each Vocaloid has a mascot character on it's box art (as pictured below) and each voice bank is (generally) provided by a famous Japanese singer or voice actor.

Hatsune Miku, one of the most Well Known Vocaloid programs

In the English speaking fan base of Vocaloid a common hobby is to create covers of varying Vocaloid songs. Below I have compiled a list of my top 10 favorite English Vocaloid covers. As well as information about each song.

10. I (love)- Miery Covers

I (love) is the second song in a series. The first being Lie. A third song in this series is currently being worked on. This song deals with some LGBT themes. The singer laments the loss of the girl they love to an unnamed male figure. The singer says they will save what remains of whatever relationship the two may still hold.

9. Servant of Evil- Enn sings

This is the second song in The Story of Evil subseries of The Evillious Chronicles. While The Evillious Chronicles encompasses about 50 songs currently, The Story of Evil only has seven. The song tells of twins who cause the downfall of their kingdom. The male twin is the eponymous Servant of Evil. Due to misunderstandings and love triangles a tragedy ensues. If you would like to know more of the story Enn has also covered The Daughter of Evilwhich tells the female twins side of the story.

8. Circus Monster- Joy Dreamer

This song tells of a monster which resides in a circus and is forced to perform. Similarly to I (love) this story also tells of a lost love and a male figure who causes conflict for the protagonist. The song takes a nice turn near the end when it is revealed the "monster" the protagonists sings about is herself.

7. Hitobashira Alice- Razzy

Hitobashira Alice (literally translated to Alice of Human Sacrifice) is a dark retelling of Lewis Carrol's classic novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The story acts as a sort of prequel to the novel and describes how a dream lures various "Alice's" into it. I find it interesting to look for the comparisons between the characters of this song, and those from the novel.

6. Dark Woods Circus- Froggie

This song is similar to Circus Monster in the fact that they both deal with "deformed" circus performers, however this song is told through what an onlooker sees, as opposed to the thoughts of a performer. This song has spawned a novel which has not been translated from Japanese yet. and is the second in a series of eight songs. I actually took a chance at doing my own cover of this song using Froggie's lyrics, you can find it here.

5. Crystalline- Seiryuudo

Another common hobby for many Vocaloid fans is to organize a chorus cover on youtube. This cover of Crystalline is one such chorus cover. Crystalline deals with an individual who was in an abusive relationship. The relationship had robbed them of their individuality, and as such they are now recounting why they left the abuse. Interestingly the creator of this chorus incorporated Gumi (the original vocaloid that sang this song) as well.

4. Tokyo Teddy Bear- New Adventures

Tokyo Teddy Bear deals with themes of changing yourself to fit societys needs, and there is a common comparison to voodoo dolls and sewing. The singer has changed so much about themselves that they no longer remember who they truly were.

3. This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee- Shiroko Diamond Sparkle

If your society is not a Utopia, well it's just as good to make it a Dystopia, right? This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee deals with a young girl (supposedly Undine from the novela Undine) who is the spokesperson of said Committee. People are forced to be happy, and if they are not they are quickly executed.

2. Outer Science- Jubyphonic

Part of a 22 song series (which has spawned novels and an Anime), Outer Science is the tale of a possessed boy who wishes to gain the control of a gorgon (the "Weird Little You" referred to in the lyrics) who shall unite all of the snakes in the world for him.

1. Senbonzakura- Kran

Senbonzakura (literally 100 Cherry Blossoms) tells of the historically Meiji restoration of Japan in 1868. While individuals around the singer suffer and fight, she commands that everyone should band together for peace instead of shooting.

While these songs may not match the preferences of everyone, they have allowed me to deal with the monotony of everyday life by providing some sort of escape.

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