It seems to me that somewhere between the Election and Christmas, being thankful gets lost. Christmas decorations, sales, and songs are out on display as soon as November hits, but aren't we forgetting about another important holiday? The best thing about Thanksgiving is that it's a month before Christmas. I find that kind of ironic don't you? That the day before Black Friday/Christmas madness begins, is the day we should be preparing out hearts with thankfulness for the season to come!
Start your ovens, and get that turkey roasting because Thanksgiving is only a week away. In light of the election season ending, this holiday should be more important this year than in years past. I always found the quote, "there is always something to be thankful for, " overused and washed up. But, as I sit here reflecting on this past year and the events that have occurred across our nation and world, we truly do, as a nation and as individuals, have a lot to be thankful for.
Take for example, that we live in a country where differences in opinions are allowed and are to an extent, what makes us the Great American Melting Pot that we are. We have elected a new president, state and local representatives, and now we must resume being thankful for living in such a free country. I am able to sit in the comfort of my home, because of those brave men and women that are protecting this country from all over the world.
It seems to me that as humans, we spend a lot more time complaining about all of the things in our life that aren't going right, ultimately neglecting the simple things that do. I, myself am guilty of sulking in my own self-pity instead of looking at all of the things I have that I don't deserve. Admit it, even though Thanksgiving is approaching, our minds go directly to the list of gifts we are expecting from our family members. Am I too busy and entitled to stop for a day and remember all of the simple, yet wonderful things I have to be thankful for? No. No one is above Thanksgiving and being thankful.
This year, as we sit around our tables with turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, let us take extra time sharing with one another the things that we have in our lives that we don't deserve. Things as simple as heat, food on the table and a family that loves us. Turn your Thanksgiving to the active troops and veterans, who sacrifice and risk their lives so that we can continuously gather together, without fear.
Lastly, let us thank our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for giving us the grace that we do not do not deserve, to live each day to the fullest. Jesus, thank you for your never ending love, without it -- where would we be?