I am a crazy cat lady. I’m absolutely obsessed with everything feline. I’m not allowed to go to a pet store alone because my family is concerned that I’ll bring a cat home with me. I just love cats- like a lot, so imagine my excitement when I found someone who loves cats just as much as -- if not more than -- me.
Beth Ostrosky Stern, actress, model, animal advocate, and wife of Howard Stern, has devoted her time and home to fostering cats and kittens. No, seriously, her house has gone straight to the cats. In the past two years alone, Stern has rescued and fostered over 100 cats. That’s paw-sitively amazing!!
Not only does Beth Stern rescue these cats from abusive situations or from the cold outdoors, she makes sure they get their shots and medications all before adoption. Simply, Stern takes a cat who might have previously had a death sentence at a shelter, provides the cat with all the medical needs necessary, socializes the cat, and feeds the cat for weeks all until the cat is “ready to fly” and be with his forever family.
Currently, Beth and Howard Stern have six permanent resident cats that lend a hand throughout the fostering process. Walter “Chunk,” Leon Bear, Charlie Boy, Yoda, Bella, and Sophia Stern have truly completed the Stern family and make daily appearances on Stern’s Instagram account.
Walter “Chunk” Stern, a chunky black and white cat, came to the Stern family from a shelter to provide companionship to their beloved Apple (a special needs foster cat who passed away a couple of years ago). Chunk has since made a place in his forever family’s hearts and has a new companion -- Leela Sophia.
Leon Bear, a beautiful black 20 pound cat, came to the Stern family after a series of tornados devastated communities in Alabama. Sadly, Leon was previously in an animal shelter within one of the communities where one of the tornados hit and killed almost every animal within. Leon Bear was one of the few survivors.
Charlie Boy, a beautiful black and white mutt of a cat, was in an animal shelter for years due to his age (7 years old). Luckily, Beth Stern found him and adopted him four years ago where he became one of the permanent residents of the Stern household.
Yoda, a white Persian cat, inspired two books written by Beth Stern. When the Sterns found Yoda, he was almost completely shaved and skinnier than any cat should ever be. The Sterns brought him home immediately and plumped him up. Sadly, Yoda was diagnosed with a heart condition and the vet gave him 3-6 months to live. However, something crazy happened. Yoda wandered into the section of the house reserved for the foster cats and began parenting them. Soon after, Yoda went to the vet where they found no sign of a heart condition.
Bella, a completely blind calico, was abandoned by her owner. After being abandoned, Bella was attacked by a dog and had to have one of her eyes removed due to the previous trauma. Despite their many attempts to find Bella a home, Howard and Beth couldn’t seem to find a forever for Bella, so they became her forever family.
Leela Sophia is another blind kitten who also had to have one of her eyes removed from a previous trauma. Leela Sophia fit in with the other foster kittens, however, one day Walter Stern caught a look at her and hasn’t left her side since. She was adopted by the Sterns this past Valentine’s Day.
I know most of us cannot afford to live the cat rescuing lifestyle that Beth Stern lives, however, we should all aspire to do good -- whether it be through rescuing cats or not. So I challenge you to do something good; be inspired by Beth Stern. And if you ever need a smile check out her Instagram. @bethostern
All photos were taken from Beth's Instagram (just a little preview)!