The Beta male does not have a good reputation. He is seen as weak, non-confrontational--basically, the "nice guy." And as we all know, nice guys finish last, right? But in this post-Weinstein world, I would argue that now, more than ever, is the time in which the nice guy is succeeding and is wanted. Nice, my friends, is sexy. A man who listens to a woman, who cares about her needs and desires, who isn't emasculated by her power, is HOT. HOT AS HELL. HOTTER THAN FLAMIN' HOT CHEETOS.
Based on my own personal experience, dating the quintessential "alpha male" is not only utterly exhausting but also underwhelming. Yea, maybe he can try and do an Edward Cullen thing and stop a car from hitting me with his sheer muscles or whatever, but if he thinks he needs to be the "man" all the time and then consequently sends me off to the kitchen to play house, I draw the line. Also, almost all of the alpha males I've been with have seen me simply as their plaything in sex used solely to get them off. Um, next time can you ask me before throwing me all over your bed? I'm not a doll I have feelings k thanks.
The Beta male is in tune with his emotions. SPICY. When a man has the ability to both empathize with others and is sensitive to and aware of his own feelings, it creates a safe space sans judgment. Let me tell you--one of the most beautiful AND sexy moments was when I was with a man who opened up to me about his deepest fears and desires. To be able to freely connect with a man who doesn't lock his heart away (because society told him to) is pure bliss, and extremely rare. Feeling feelings doesn't make someone weak. In fact, it makes one stronger, to be able to express oneself even in the face of possible ridicule and discrimination, especially in a world that still seems to value stoicism over vulnerability.
The Beta Man is my kind of guy. I'll take a man who loves watching Bravo with me over any man that watches sports with his bros while he sends me off to make Totino's pizza rolls for him. And yes, I rather a man shed a tear or two over a sad movie than sit there refusing to be moved. Time's up on the domineering male! It's time for the man who can handle the infinite power of woman. The man who is secure enough in his masculinity to not feel the need to exercise control over his partner constantly. The man who, deep down in his being, truly believes that everyone is equal and deserves to be treated as such.