To the friends that have stayed by my side throughout the good and bad times, where would I be without you?
Life gets hard you know? We all get older, we all get jobs, take summer classes, and our free time is used mainly for napping. After everything I have gone through in my life, I look around and see my friends who have never given up on our friendship no matter how dramatic, crazy, or embarrassing I may have been. I am a pretty lucky girl that I get to say my friends I have now, are the ones that I have had most of my life.
Of course I have made new friends and lost some old ones as well, but that is just a part of life. It is impossible to force someone to be in your life. If they want to be in it, they will. Simple as that. The past 2 years have been different for me. Graduating high school and separating from my best friends was a little harder than we all thought it would've been. But, being apart from all of you guys made me even more grateful.
At the time, I didn't realize that I would have visitors every weekend because we missed each other too much, or daily FaceTime calls because not seeing each other for the month was to hard. I am so lucky that I have had the biggest support group there for me through everything. With the jobs I had, and the classes I had to face I was always motivated to do more and be the best person I could be because of you guys. It always seems like it's a never-ending cycle.
You meet people, become good friends, and some stay and some go. But throughout my life I have met a great group of friends that I get to do life with. I am forever thankful for God and him blessing my life with my best friends. I'm not quite sure how he put together such a crazy, outgoing, and fun group of friends or why he did it, but I cannot express how much these people mean to me, and how lucky I am to have them as my second family.
I could go on and on and write a whole book about the things I am thankful for from my friends, but I would like to say a few. Thank you, guys, for always making me laugh even when it may be the last thing I want to do or even crying with me to make me feel better. Thank you for never getting tired of hearing the drama in my life every day, or my jokes that are oh so lame. Thank you for making me into the person I am today- I truly mean that.
Although there are many things that I could continue to list, I want to end with one last thank you that I believe is the most important. Thank you for staying. Thank you for never leaving my side and sticking it out with me through the thick and thin. As I said earlier, people come and go in our lives and that it okay.
Sometimes you just lose touch with a friend, and that is okay as well. For those of you who may be an old friend of mine, I love you all still so much and will be here for you no matter where life takes us. But, for the couple I have still with me, we have a long road ahead of us and I am so happy I get to have you all beside me to grow old with. Thank you for being the best.