Having a best friend that you can count on no matter what is the absolute best feeling in the world. Whether it's a 3 am phone call or a 5 pm Mexican date, they are down for anything. Here are some of my favorite things to do with my best friends that you can do with yours.
It doesn’t matter if you are in your car, at the park, or in a parking lot, wherever you can sit with your best friends to watch the stars it’s a great time.
I know this sounds weird, but I highly recommend sitting on the floor or outside and manifesting nothing but good vibes for you and your besties.
Jam Sessions
Everyone loves a good jam sesh. You could even have a dance party like on Grey’s Anatomy. Jamming or dancing with your BFF’s is a fun way to let loose.
Driving Around
If you come from a small town like me, there really isn’t much to do other than drive around. Whether you’re listening to music at top volume or having deep conversations about life, driving around is always a go to option.
Summertime is here!! Which means that float trips with the pals are definitely a move. Or even WATERPARKS!
Hiking can be a way to release stress, lighten the mood after a hard week, reconnect with your friends, and enjoy the nature all at the same time.
Going shopping with your best friends makes it easier to pick out the clothes you want. I don’t know about you, but shopping with my bestie is a must. How else am I supposed to know if my outfit is trendy or not?
Road tripsÂ
Road trips are 100x better without a destination or a plan. Take a week off, go somewhere and have a blast, it will be worth it for sure.
Arts & Crafts
Yes, I know we aren’t 7 years old anymore, but spending quality time while making something homemade is for sure a great way to hang out.
A best friend comes with no judgement, sing your heart out.
Whatever you may do with your friends, cherish it, make sure they know that you appreciate them. You never know when you'll hang out for the last time. Make memories, and seriously live like theres no tomorrow. LIVE IT UP.