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Top 3 Best Zombie Survival Games

From slayers to survivors, here are the best of the genre.

Top 3 Best Zombie Survival Games

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Zombie games have taken a life of their own as of recent. The film genre of the dead coming to life has been a hit since George A Romero's 'Night of the Living Dead' and has since perpetrated many modern forms of entertainment, gaming being the primary one. These three zombie survival games are ranked and top the charts for very distinct and fun reasons.

3. 'Call of Duty: Black Ops'

The sequel zombie survival from the original Nazi Zombies from 'Call of Duty: World at War', this game focuses on surviving as long as possible using whatever guns you can get. Despite what would appear to be incredibly repetitive gameplay, it never feels as such as the pain of trying to survive and have enough ammo, etc, is enough to freshen it up every time. There are 4 notable characters that you are randomly assigned one of to play at the start of the round on most maps: Tank Dempsey, representing how a 1940's American soldier would handle being put in such a situation, then from Germany, Professor Edward Richtofen who is shown to be one of the people started the zombie plague, then Nikolai Belinski, a Russian who constant quips about his ex-wives or needing more vodka, and finally, Takeo Masaki, a Japanese soldier who is just kind of quietly there. All characters have fun voice lines that keep the game refreshing.

2. 'Killing Floor 2'

In a similar style to 'Black Ops Zombies', 'Killing Floor 2' is all about survival but it is limited to 10 rounds plus a boss. 'Killing Floor 2' is a sequel to an arcade game about pretty much the same exact thing, killing zombies. The game keeps itself fresh by having so many different and fun options for loadouts to fight the zombies with, from old Winchester rifles to the most modern submachine guns, and even chainsaws and samurai swords. 'Killing Floor 2' is a fun zombie fighting experience.

1. 'Dying Light'

On the surface, 'Dying Light' seems like it would be a very bleak game, as you seemed to be trapped in a hellish nightmare with no escape from the town. But it is actually a quite entertaining and charming zombie game. It is a free roam game, meaning you have full control over where you go and what you explore, and the two different parts of the town are so unique and have so many hidden places are quite satisfying to find. But what makes dying light stand out is its movement and fighting system. Grappling hooks in games are rarely smooth and tend to feel either too tedious or too clunky, but dying light hits the sweet spot here as grappling is incredibly smooth and enjoyable. Also, 'Dying Light' is the only game I have played with so many different and creative ways to take down zombies. Along with the typical melee weapons, there is a host of flying punches and drop kicks that you can combine with other moves to clear out areas of zombies. Overall 'Dying Light' was the best experience I have had playing a zombie game and I would highly recommend it.

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