Days away from my 19th birthday, I am realizing that balance is key. Too much of a negative thing is never good. Most things can be positive in moderation. For example, the consumption of large amounts of alcohol is negative. However, studies have showed that small amounts of red wine can actually be beneficial to your health. The same could be said for life.
Too much chocolate, in some cases, can hurt you. But some dark chocolate is good for you. Being self-centered is dangerous. Being overconfident is dangerous as well. Viewing yourself as being more than anyone else is negative, but viewing yourself as being less than everyone is even more damaging.
What if you miss out on everything life has to offer because you aren't confident, and because of that, not engaging with the people around around you? What if all of your potential because you are simply to shy to share how you feel? Balance being loud and outgoing with people able to sit back and give your undivided attention to the people around you.
So how do you balance your life? How do you balance answering a text versus spending all day on your phone? Keep things simple. Enjoy your day. Engage with the people around you. But care about yourself first. Don't be over obsessed with what others are doing, be obsessed with yourself, and the people around you.
Believing in yourself is key. Not being overconfident.
In conclusion, don't steer too much to the left, because then you will miss what's on the right! Finding your inner-balance with all the curcumstances and obstacles you face will give you confidence.