In the past I have always struggled with staying focused while cleaning. Either I find something that I end up reminiscing over or I tell myself, “Oh I’ll use that!” or “I've been looking for that!” So, to say the least, cleaning and getting rid of old things has always been hard for me. Since I’ve been in college I have found the best way for me to clean so far.
Ready to hear my secret?
My best friends!
Try it! Have a great friend go through your closet and show you what they haven’t seen you wear in a while! It helps, I promise!!
Three of my friends don’t mind cleaning so when I need to clean or clear out some of my closet for new clothes, I just call them. Take my closet for example. I am a future educator and will be graduating with that degree here in May. There are definitely some things you need in your closet as a teacher, so my mom and I went “teacher clothes” shopping over labor day.
We found a ton of great things but when I went home I had no idea what I was going to do and where I was going to put everything, so my friend Audrey came over. The best thing she did was go through my closet when I wasn’t looking to pull out things she hasn’t seen me wear in a long time and ask me about them. Part of me didn’t want to get rid of some of those shirts because they still fit me. However, she was right, I hadn’t worn them in a while and I needed to get rid of them.
I have been blessed immensely with the friends God has given me. Don’t worry, I hang out with them more than just to clean!