"Unbreakable Kimmy Schmit" is undoubtedly the most successful and hilarious comedy about living in the aftermath of a religious cult. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the show, it begins with the discovery of what the show calls "The Mole Women." These women were abducted, forced into a cult with a single male leader, and held in a bunker for years. When they are finally rescued, the world above ground is far different from the world they left behind.
Kimmy Schmit, the star of the show (aside from Titus, that is) is a former Mole Woman trying to find her place in New York City. Titus Andromedon, her quirky sidekick, is one of a kind. His flamboyant personality leaves us as viewers with many golden nuggets of wisdom to quote.
So if you're feeling down, like no one understands you, or you're just in for a good laugh, remember Titus can do it all.
"I don't know what to say. So I'm hoping the tone of my voice makes you think I do, OK?"
"But I've already done something today!"
"I'll have a water. Two sugars."
"I don't give up on everything that I -- whatever."
"Quitters are America's unsung heroes. Without us, we'd probably still be going to the moon."
"Girl, you need to stop, drop, and roll. By which I mean stop talking, drop the subject and get me a cinnamon roll."
"I'm pretty but tough, like a diamond. Or beef jerky in a ballgown."
"I can't think that far ahead. I don't even know how this sentence is going to end -- volcano."
"I've decided to live as a bed from now on."
"There are three things Titus Andromendon does not do: apologies, drag, and calculus."
"I don't want to talk about this, Kimmy. I'm being dramatical."
"I am in the midst of a personal renaissance. My finances, my love life, my eyebrow game."
"I fell asleep eating a hot pocket."
"I am an enigma."
"I'm not overreacting. I'm Lemonading."
"I can't fix America."
"I envy you. I've never been able to meet me."
"As long as it rhymes, everything will be fines."
"and you know, all my clothes double as pajamas."
"I pronounce you ridiculous."
"I've got at title, a beat, and an attitude."
No matter what conversation you're having, Titus can work his way into it. Next time you're not sure what advice to give to someone, just take one from Titus and say, "I don't know what to say. So I'm hoping the tone of my voice makes you think I do, OK?"