What do people need in college? Referring to freshman and transfer students who may need that certain guidance to the dorm life or just a new college in general. The best tip for college that can have a college excel in his academics and social life. Take a guess of what the best tip for college students that may be living on campus is? It is not socializing, being someone you are not, or just procrastinating. What is the opposite of procrastinating or doing something important at the last minute? Time management is the answer and best tip for college students. This is something many college students struggle with whether they were in the college for two years or even just starting this semester. Time management is being able to manage that amount of time in the obstacles and expectations that you have to fulfill and complete. If you cannot manage your time well the results will be hectic for anyone and those grades you wanted may not be supported with what you thought would happen.
A piece of advice for freshman is to not think college will be a walk in the park; no matter what major you are because a major will get hard over time believe me in that. I really distinguished that college is pre-adult life and that amount of time and energy you put into something affects you as an individual over time, whether it's your mindset or just perception in general. I found out that college changed me as an individual for the better and made me a better person than I was before. Time management will make or break you and I can say it a million times and get it about nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine times correct. It will determine whether you are an adult still towards this college level and what information you can process as the years go on. Work will accumulate over time, but it is your job to organize that amount of workload and stress to a minimum. If someone says what is the most important tip for college, do not lead them on and say something else other than time management.
I really felt like this had to be addressed because I see many freshmen struggling with this aspect that is much needed to survive in college. Time management is essential to any workload that one may have that could not even be pertaining to college and people have to realize that it will definitely encourage you to do more than less. A freshman can learn so many ideas and tricks around school, but when it comes to that hard immense work that accumulates over time, he or she will need one thing. That is Time Management.