Chick-fil-a? That's always worth the wait. The 15 seconds between your Netflix shows? Totally worth the greatness that is to come. Waiting almost two hours in line for a rollercoaster when it's nearly 100 degrees outside? Honestly feels like a near-death experience, so when you finally get on and feel the adrenaline, just scream and let it all out; make the wait worth it.
True love is also worth the wait, even if it takes a lifetime.
It seems that in today's society, it is common to rush into things that we as individuals are not ready for. Just because the majority of your friends seem to be happy in a relationship does not validate any reason for you to get into one unless you are mentally and emotionally ready. Love yourself; then go love others.
Good things come to those who wait, so wait until you find your person. Do not settle for anything less than what you deserve just so you can check off a box and go on some date. Find that someone who gets along with your family, opens your doors, will let you hang out with their friends and isn't afraid to hold your hand in public.
It is OK to need reassurance, and if that someone isn't willing to give it to you, then there are probably better things you could be spending your time on... like mastering Rainbow Road on Mario Cart.
Find a hobby or become an overnight internet sensation. I believe you could be cooler than Alex Russo, even with her wizardly powers. Buy more shoes than you need, eat too much food, become a blogger, sell feet pictures, travel the freakin' world, but do NOT waste your time on people who do not value your worth. People who make time to see you and who want to be around you are important.
Ephesians 4:2-3.
A penny saved is a penny earned. April showers bring May flowers. Patience is a virtue, and good things come to those who embrace it. Just because you aren't married, rich, and living on an island by the time you're 22 years old does not mean that you are not on the track to success.
Happiness is relative, and time is expensive, but there is no cost for a happy life. It will take challenges, struggles, battles and time. But it will be. Worth. It!!