8 Things You MUST Do In Disney World | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things You MUST Do In Disney World

If you're exploring Disney parks with no clear plan or direction, it can easily become a big (and expensive!) nightmare.

8 Things You MUST Do In Disney World

Disney World is the perfect place to revert to a child-like innocence; with rides, shows, and attractions for people of all ages, it's easy for the entire family to get lost in the fun and nostalgia. At the same time, if you're exploring the parks with no clear plan or direction, it can easily become a big (and expensive!) nightmare. So if you're in the midst of planning or experiencing your own Disney World vacation, take advantage of these eight recommendations. They're my personal Disney must-do's!

1. Space Mountain

If you love rollercoasters, then get ready for Space Mountain to take that experience to the next level. This ride launches you into total darkness while it whips you around unexpected drops and turns; you never know when or how to brace!

Space Mountain

2. Splash Mountain

This classic log flume floats you through the storyline of an old-time Disney cartoon before plunging you down a fifty foot drop. It's a really suspenseful way to cool down from the Florida heat!

Splash Mountain

3. Philhar-magic

This 4-d experience puts all other attractions to shame with how the characters seem to leap out into the audience! As Lumière presents his spectacular dinner, you can smell his delicious pies; as Ariel dives down into the depths of Atlantis, ocean mist sprays your face. In a word, it's mesmerizing.

4. Dinner in Cinderella's Castle

Cinderella's Castle is the Disney World cornerstone - everyone recognizes its famous peaks and spectacular colors. What many people don't know, however, is the fun that takes place within the castle walls; you can reserve a seat to dine alongside Cinderella while overlooking all of Magic Kingdom!

5. Soarin!

Epcot's most famous attraction is a hang-glide simulation - one that takes you over snowy mountains, pristine beaches, and even over firework displays! That being said, if fast-paced rides aren't ideal for you, this relaxed adventure will surely satisfy.

6. Spaceship Earth

Aside from Cinderella's Castle, there's another Disney landmark that offers unexpected fun on the inside: the famous Epcot "golf ball". The ride - Spaceship Earth - transports you into the past, present, and future as it offers a glimpse at humanity's progress. It's quite a heavy dose of existential perspective!

7. Midway Mania

Midway Mania is an arcade-esque attraction that rotates you through a series of 4-d games. However, the friendly competition isn't even the best part! As you stand and wait in the seemingly endless line, you find yourself immersed in a life-size toy box; it's as if you're a doll, just like Woody and Buzz!

8. Test Track

Last but not least, Test Track asks you to engineer your own car before taking it out for a spin! The track itself is not only fast-paced and thrilling, but it's fun to experiment with your own, unique prototypes.

Test Track

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