The 5 Best Things About Being In A Long Distance Relationship | The Odyssey Online
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The 5 Best Things About Being In A Long Distance Relationship

Here are a few things I'd like to say about my LDR.

The 5 Best Things About Being In A Long Distance Relationship
Maryann Robles

A lot of people believe that long distance relationships are a joke. I used to be one of them, but oh, how wrong I was! In Spanish there is a phrase "Amor de lejos, es amor de pendejos." Distant love is stupid love. Well, I disagree, just as every other LDR would also. No relationship is perfect, each has their ups and downs, but in mine I like to focus on the best things we have.

1. Dress to impress who?

Before my LDR, I woke up every day at 7 a.m. to get ready for class, straighten my hair, put on my makeup, find a cute outfit, make sure I shaved, all just to see if I would end up catching someone's attention and have them buy me a cup of coffee. Now I get up 15 minutes before my class, wash up, put clothes on that don't smell and head to class.

Who am I trying to impress anymore?! The only person whose opinion I value lives six hours away from me, so why bother? (Added bonus: I get to sleep in). Yet when there are days where I do dress up, all I can think about is looking cute for the guy I really like for the next time we see each other. Even though he says I'm adorable with sweatpants, hair tied up, and with no makeup on, I just want to look good for the most handsome man in my life.

2. Personal space

I adore my boyfriend very much. Each time we see each other we are inseparable. Because we rarely see each other, we try to appreciate each moment we have together. After he leaves I get sad each time, but the positive thing about it is having our own space. I see couples who are with each other all the time and I think to myself "do they ever have any personal time for themselves?"

I do understand that boyfriends and girlfriends love being around each other, but at some point you need a break from each other in order to appreciate the time you do have with them. I do miss the company of my boyfriend and appreciate every single moment we have together, but when we do go our separate ways I can burp and be gross without worrying what he will say and he can do the same thing, even though I don't care about it. We all have flaws and can be gross sometimes, but I don't care because that's what makes him special.

3. Dressing up for him

I used to dress cute every day for school. It was hard to come up with new outfits all the time and worry about outfit repeating. Since I don't anymore, I only dress cute when my boyfriend comes to visit. When he does, I go from 0-100 real quick. Well, not real quick, because I do take a long time and he does get angry, but i'm trying to look my best for the best.

I feel like the most beautiful person in the room when I'm with my significant other. He's smiling at me constantly telling me how blessed he is that I'm his and how much he appreciates me. Then comes the next day when I wake up next to him looking gross, he still says how beautiful I am in the morning which makes me feel good about myself for the rest of the day.

4. The Sex

Okay, let's be adults here. Get it our of your system. SEX! It's a natural thing, all humans do it. After being apart for a month, and both of us having a very high sex drive, we make sure every moment spent together is worth it. Some people might not understand. To those who don't, I challenge you not to kiss, hold hands, make out, or sexually interact with your significant other for a month. After, go all out, I can guarantee you it will be the best feeling in the world.

Sex is so much more than just getting rid of lust and desires. You can learn a lot about a person from it. You feel how strong the intimacy is between you and your significant other and how much they care about you. Oh how blessed I am to have someone making sure I am okay and putting my needs before his own.

5. Trust

A lot of LDRs fail from lack of trust and honesty each partner has for one another. One of the keys of making a LDR work is to trust your partner, and to be honest about what is going on. Not only does it effect LDRs but regular relationships also. I trust my boyfriend so much and I hope he does trust me also. I am very honest with him about everything.

I do not hide secrets from him (unless its a present) because I do not want to ruin what we have. I trust him so much with everything. I trust him to care for me, to listen to me, to make me happy and to love me. We have had a few arguments on the topic of cheating since we both know from past relationships the sickening feeling of betrayal.

Each relationship isn't perfect. They all have their flaws, but the most important thing to do is always find the silver lining in it, and appreciate it. Our friends and family think my boyfriend and I are insane to be in a long distance relationship but it works for us, and hopefully soon we wont be so far away from each other.

But in the mean time it's okay, because we both know that distance means so little when someone means so much. It has only been three months since we first started talking and I could not be happier with anyone else but the guy I met that fateful night at Wingstop in November 2015.

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