Each month of the year is full of simple little pleasures and mood boosters. Here are some of the best things about April!
1. April's Origin
April is the fourth month of the year and the second month of the spring season. April's name derives from the Latin word Aperit meaning "to open," which is fitting since flowers begin to open and leaves begin to unfurl. The Greek for April, Aphro, is associated with the goddess Aphrodite, who symbolizes love, beauty, and procreation. Being such a pretty and fruitful season, naturally, Aphrodite should be the inspiration behind the name.
2. April Fool's Day
The silliest holiday of the year falls on the first of the month - April Fool's Day! While the origins are not entirely clear, a few different ideas have been tossed around. Some point to the switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1582, where those who didn't know or remember were made fun of and called poisson d'avril, "a young, easily caught fish." Others say April Fool's Day originates from the Roman holiday Hilaria, where people dressed in disguises. Still more point to the tricky spring weather that changes day-to-day (especially here in Oklahoma!).
3. Easter
Certainly, you can't talk about April without mentioning Easter! One of the most important holidays on the Christian calendar, Easter Sunday marks the moment Jesus rose from the dead and overcame death. Easter is also associated with the legendary Easter bunny, coloring and hiding eggs, and eating lots of chocolate and candy.
4. Earth Day and Arbor Day
Earth Day is the 22nd of April, and Arbor Day the 26th. If you love the beautiful spring weather, tasty fruits, and beautiful flowers found in April, you have Mother Nature to thank! Earth Day serves as a chance to celebrate and protect our precious planet (though we should do this every day, too!). Arbor Day celebrates the importance of trees and the fresh air and beautiful landscapes they provide us. So pick up some trash, use a metal straw for your Starbucks, and grab a shovel to plant a tree!
5. The Diamond
April's gemstone is the classic diamond. Diamonds are clear, so they are believed to represent purity and innocence. They are also considered a strong symbol of love, hence their popularity for engagement rings. Being the strongest of the precious stones, they are seen as a representation of perfection, sincerity, and clarity. So this month, don't be afraid to rock this rock.
Two lovely flowers are connected to the month of April- the daisy and the sweet pea. The cheerful daisy symbolizes purity and new beginnings, while the sweet pea is known for being delicate and sweet. What better way to enjoy April than to surround yourself with these perfect little blossoms?
7. Cherry Blossom Cocktail
Since every month has a unique gemstone and flower, I've decided each should have its own drink as well. I found the Cherry Blossom Cocktail to be very fitting for April. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom this time of year, and the sweet taste and fragrance, as well as the deep pink-purple color, are undeniably springy.
8. Rain!
If you love rain, then you're in luck! April is a particularly rainy month, hence the saying "April showers bring May flowers." This also means that if you don't love rain, it's not all bad! Rain just makes for a more beautiful spring season.
9. Pastels
April is time for pretty pastels! Whether it be in fashion, scenery, or cute decor, pastel colors are a staple of the spring season.
10. Busy Bees
I mean this both literally and figuratively. As students, we can all agree that April is one of the busiest months- tests, assignments, deadlines...we're constantly going and there's not much time to rest. April also welcomes actual busy bees! As flowers begin to bloom, bees get to work pollinating. So maybe between all essay writing, take time to plant some bumblebee-friendly plants! Here's a link to some of their favorites:
The next time you're feeling a little down, just look at this list and think of all the good things about April!
Ps: Shoutout to all the Aries' and Taurus'!