Sometimes the chit-chat at parties can get a bit dull and predictable.
A great way to spice things up would, of course, be to sample some great quotes from The Office.
Here are 20 quotes you can easily fit into conversation at any event necessary:
1. "Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.” - Michael Scott
Use this quote to establish exactly how you’d like to be viewed by the public.
2. "The worst thing about prison was the Dementors. They were flying all over the place and they were scary and they'd come down and they'd suck the soul out of your body and it hurt!” - Michael Scott
Everyone likes a good prison story at a party.
3. "Saw Inception. Or at least I dreamt I did.” - Michael Scott
Movies are always a good topic to hit.
4. "I'm an early bird and I'm a night owl. So I'm wise and I have worms.” - Dwight Schrute
It’s always good to talk yourself up once in a while.
5. “There’s too many people on this earth. We need a new plague” - Dwight Schrute
This would be amazing to say while looking over a sea of people at a party. It’s not threatening at all.
6. “Just pretend like we’re talking until the cops leave” - Creed Bratton
This is sure to keep your conversation partner guessing.
7. “That’s what she said” - Michael Scott
Classic joke to throw out whenever the situation arises.
8. “I have flaws. What are they? I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I’ll hit someone with my car.” - Michael Scott
Everyone has flaws. It’s a nice change from the norm to be so open about your own.
9. “I need a username, and I have a great one. Little kid lover. That way people will know exactly where my priorities are at” - Michael Scott
Because everyone needs to know where they’re at, to be honest.
10. “Learn how to take off a woman’s bra. You just twist your hand until something breaks.” - Michael Scott
This is a great tip to share with anyone you meet.
11. “You know what they say. Fool me once, strike one, but fool me twice, strike three.” - Michael Scott
Don’t let anyone think they can just walk all over you.
12. "Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject, so you know you are getting the best possible information.” -Michael Scott
It’s always great to share the beauty of wikipedia with those who may not know of how reputable it can be.
13. "Hate to see you leave but love to watch you go. 'Cause of your butt.” - Michael Scott
This pick-up line has a very high success rate when used correctly.
14. “I'm a deer hunter. I go all the time with my dad. One thing about deer, they have very good vision. One thing about me, I am better at hiding than they are at vision.” - Dwight Schrute
Saying this lets people know a little bit about your hobbies while also mentioning your skills.
15. “How would I describe myself? Three words. Hard-working. Alpha male. Jackhammer. Merciless. Insatiable.” - Dwight Schrute
What a great conversation starter.
16. “I just want to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” - Kevin Malone
I think everyone can relate to this on some level.
17. “I’ve been involved in a number of cults both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.” - Creed Bratton
If you ever want to give off a mysterious vibe that could also lead to the party guests questioning your identity, this is the line to go for.
18. “The only time I set the bar low for is limbo.” - Michael Scott
Use this before a game of limbo to show you have limbo experience and you are not to be messed with.
19. “Emotional blackmail? It’ll never work on me. Luckily I have no emotions.” - Dwight Schrute
Complete emotional unavailability. Might as well throw that fact about yourself out there from the start.
20. “Mo’ money, mo’ problems.” - Michael Scott
This is just a life tip that, honestly, everyone should be familiar with.
Next time you find yourself part of an awkward conversation you’d most likely rather not be having, whip out this list and make the party worthwhile. The Office never fails to get a laugh, and neither should you.