5 Tattoo Artists That Have Taken Their Ink To A Whole New Level | The Odyssey Online
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5 Tattoo Artists That Have Taken Their Ink To A Whole New Level

Tattoos are all about art, and these artists truly turn people into canvases.

5 Tattoo Artists That Have Taken Their Ink To A Whole New Level

I am a tattoo fiend. Not in the way that I have many of them (I only have one so far), but in the way that I love seeing them. As someone who adheres to a rule that I must give myself at least six months of pondering and research before I get a tattoo, I have stumbled upon a number of really unique designs and concepts for tattoos.

As a sort of 'tattoo pop culture' has emerged (as shown through the increase in compass, bird, nature, etc. tattoos), it's useful now more than ever to have unique ideas for the depiction of whatever concept you choose. In order to aid in that process, I have compiled a list of five artists who have changed the way I view what people can do with a needle and some ink.

1. Mo Ganji's single-line spectacles

I have been obsessed with this art style lately, so when I found tattoos using it, it was like Christmas all over again. Unfortunately, Mo Ganji is the only artist that I have seen that does these kinds of tattoos (as well as does them the best) and he lives in Berlin and has no plans of leaving anytime soon. Although he does offer free designs on his site, there are only two. That doesn't mean that you can't play around, design your own, and find someone to do it for you, though.

2. Miryam Lumpini's colorful creations

Although I am personally more of a black-and-white tattoo kind of person, what she is able to do with color, style, and a skin canvas is undeniably beautiful. While she resides in Los Angeles, she travels often and is currently visiting Atlanta. She also creates non-tattoo art, so if you like what you see but don't want it on you permanently, you can always support her by buying a painting.

3. Dr. Woo's mini masterpieces

With a popularity that extends way past his tattooing (he even made his own converse line, y'all), this LA-based artist is undoubtedly talented in more way than one. His extremely detailed mini-masterpieces range over a variety of styles, but they all inspire the same reaction: awe.

4. Miya Bailey's afro-centric artistry

Tattoo artist. Artist. Entrepreneur. Film-maker. This list of Miya Bailey's many abilities goes on forever, just like the legacy of his home shop: City of Ink. Housed in Atlanta, the shop itself has been made the home of many tattoo artists and community events. As an African-American woman, I understand the difficulty that one can face finding an artist and style that is actually cohesive with one's skin tone (because let's be real, skin pigment makes a huge difference and most artist prefer a white canvas to a colored one).

So, when I stumbled upon this corner of the universe, my heart smiled. Bailey's tattoos often begin as artwork centered around certain concepts (not all are based on an Afro-conscious identity, but each does have his unique style) that he then transposes into a tattoo, so you know it is always amazing.

5. Sasha Made's geometric gems

This Toronto-based artist travels around the world often, but her works show no artistic jet lag. Most of her pieces combine images and shapes in a way that makes one wonder if maybe she painted them first. Her pieces are also more dark and abstract than some conventional depictions of the images presented (which I wholeheartedly appreciate).

The world of tattooing is dense with artists and styles; meaning there is something out there for everyone. Even if these specific artists did not tickle your fancy, checking out the other artists at their home shops could prove to be useful in more ways than one.

I understand that tattoos can get expensive and that a lot of styles and artists such as the ones above could be out of your price point, but that doesn't mean that you can't use them as inspiration to create your own designs and find a different artist to do it for you. The tattooing world is your oyster. Who knows, maybe you'll create a new style for yourself.

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