40. "Slide" - Calvin Harris, Frank Ocean, & Migos | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

50 Songs To Complete Your Summer Playlist

Beach day, boat day, pool day, road trip - you name it, these songs make it more fun.

50 Songs To Complete Your Summer Playlist

Everyone has that one feel-good playlist that's perfect for those sunny summer days.

1. "Keep the Car Running" - Arcade Fire

2. "Time to Pretend" - MGMT

3. "This Is The Life" - Two Door Cinema Club

4. "Floating Vibes" - Surfer Blood

5. "Run" - Vampire Weekend

6. "Two Weeks" - Grizzly Bear

7. "Island In The Sun" - Weezer

8. "What You Know" - Two Door Cinema Club

9. "The Only Place" - Best Coast

10. "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa" - Vampire Weekend

11. "Broken Heart" - Dr. Dog

12. "Best Friend" - Foster The People

13. "I Wanna Get Better" - The Bleachers

14. "The Sea" - Swim Deep

15. "Cardiac Arrest" - Bad Suns

16. "Breezeblocks" - alt-J

17. "Short Skirt / Long Jacket" - Cake

18. "After the Disco" - Broken Bells

19. "Under Cover of Darkness" - The Strokes

20. "Feel It All Around" - Washed Out

21. "Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second" - STRFKR

22. "My Body" - Young The Giant

23. "Little Grace" - Hippo Campus

24. "Love Me" - The 1975

25. "Carolina" - Harry Styles

26. "The Chain" - Fleetwood Mac

27. "Rose-Colored Boy" - Paramore

28. "The Less I Know The Better" - Tame Impala

29. "Sea Salt" - Sun Culture

30. "T-Shirt Weather" - Circa Waves

31. "Sound & Color" - Alabama Shakes

32. "Sedona" - Houndmouth

33. "We Come Running" - Youngblood Hawke

34. "Move" - Saint Motel

35. "Sweet Disposition" - The Temper Trap

36. "I'm Good" - The Mowgli's

37. "HandClap" - Fitz and The Tantrums

38. "Marcel" - Her's

39. "1901" - Phoenix

40. "Slide" - Calvin Harris, Frank Ocean, & Migos

41. "1985" - Bowling For Soup

42. "Parking Lot" - HUNNY

43. "Blame It On Me" - George Ezra

44. "You Go Down Smooth" - Lake Street Dive

45. "L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N." - Noah And The Whale

46. "Take It All Back" - Judah & the Lion

47. "Gooey" - Glass Animals

48. "Talk Too Much" - COIN

49. "Where Is My Mind?" - Pixies

50. "Shotgun" - George Ezra

All these songs and more can be found on my summer playlist on Spotify that I've been adding to since 2015. I hope this list inspires you to grow your summer playlist into something that's perfect for every sunny occasion!

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