Hi family,
It's me--the littlest one in our adorable little family! Let me just say I've never been so thankful to have such inspiring role models to always look up to and have the big sisters I never had. The knowledge and wisdom I gain from you is never ending. The memories we create are some of the best and will last a lifetime. I know I can always go to you girls whether I just failed a test or need to laugh until I can't breathe or need a shoulder (or a few) to cry on. You girls are so incredibly special to me in your own unique ways and I feel you deserve to know. So here goes nothing!
To my great-grand Big: With only 20 days left until you graduate, I cannot state the amount of pain my heart aches every time I think about not being by your side day in and day out next year. The day after Bid Day you constantly made sure I was comfortable with my new sisters. You always introduced me to everyone as if I were a prized possession that was just added to our family. You constantly made sure I was well looked out for. I wish I could hop in your suitcase and you could take me to all of the places your heart desires in your future life. You may be physically leaving us, but emotionally, our family will never be pulled apart.
To my grand Big: You're always the much-needed middle ground between my protective great grand Big and my adventurous big. You have just the right amount of balance between fun and seriousness to keep our family in tact. You're next in line to act as the role model of the family, to pull the pieces of our family puzzle together all over again once we add another little to the family, and I'm positive you'll do a fantastic job. With a pinch on adventurousness and a dash of mellowness, you can get along with just about any new personality that could be added to our family tree. Always staying true to yourself, I just know you're going to make an amazing great grand big for my little, just like mine was to me.
To my Big: Where do I start? Between you and I, we have an insanely inseparable bond that is hard to put into words. You are truly the big sister I never had. You're the one I learn from, who I aspire to be, whose footsteps I want to follow in. I always know your love for me is there (even if you actually treat me like I'm the annoying little sister). I can always count on you to guide the way for me, so I can aspire to be the best woman I can. You're the reason I can't wait to have a little of my own; so I can be an amazing sister influence on someone else. At the end of the day, you're always the main reason I come back and love my sorority so much. You are the epitome of a model sorority sister, making my experience nothing but fun, love, and laughter.
To my future Little: You will never understand how special you are to me. Picking littles can break out world wars between sisters because more than one of us had rush crushes on you just based on how perfect you seem to be in our eyes. We cannot wait to know you, and love you, and spoil you with presents, and introduce you to all of our friends. I hope to always set the best example for you, to always pick you up when you're down, and love you like my big loves me. I can't wait for you to be mine!
I could go on for days about how rad my family is, but to simply sum it up: I couldn't have a more amazing family even if I tried. I hope to always stay close to you, love you, and be the best sister I possibly can to you. Thank you for making my sorority experience as incredible as it has been and will always continue to be.
Love always,
Your littlest one