Ever been stuck for a show to binge watch? Well, same here, so, I surveyed my friends and got a good variety of different shows to binge watch.
1. "Friends"
"I've seen every episode so it's just easy to watch, and it's never not funny" — Chloe
2. "Vampire Diaries"
"I like mystical stuff, there's a love triangle, and it doesn't hurt that Damon Salvatore is hot" — Eva
3. "The Bachelor"
"It's funny, making commentary on it is fun, and when it gets down to a few girls you can make bets. I also like picking my favorites" — Alexis
4. "Brooklyn 99"
"The episodes are short enough to hold my short attention span, but still really funny" — Kelsey
6. "Real Detective"
"I watched one episode and got hooked. There are only eight episodes which sucks but it drew me in" — Chloe
7. "Reign"
"It's a good mix of action and drama" — Sydney W
8. "Grey's Anatomy"
"I've seen the entire show before so it's easy to follow, but I also feel attached to the characters and their stories" — Lindsy
9. "Ancient Aliens"
"I think aliens are real!" — Eva
10. "Parks and Recreation"
"Mindless TV" — Sydney B
11. "Jane the Virgin"
"It just keeps you on edge so you keep watching" — Daisy
12. "New Girl"
"The jokes are never not funny" — Meg
13. "Forensic Files"
"Who doesn't love a good murder mystery?" — Kelsey
14. "Gossip Girl"
15. "How I Met Your Mother"
"It's silly and goes on for a long time, so more to binge watch!" — Taylor
16. "Criminal Minds"
"Juicy stories, characters you love, and each episode has a cool murder mystery" — Haven
17. "Black Mirror"
"It's so suspenseful, each episode is different, but they all draw you in" — Elizabeth