The tease of nice weather sweeping across New York has been, well, nothing less than a tease. I know I have broken out my shorts and Birkenstocks, only to bury them again soon.
Even though March is approaching and spring has almost sprung, I don't feel any better about the snow and rain we are still going to endure. Thinking about a few more months of potential bipolar weather could bring me to actual tears.
Summer though, that's a way different story, that has a way happier ending. There is absolutely nothing to hate about summer, and in fact, there are almost too many things to love.
1. Not needing to wear a jacket
One of the worst things about winter is the need to bundle up. Especially when you are dying of heat in all of your classes, but freezing your ass off as soon as you walk outside.
2. Outdoor concerts
Concerts, in general, are one of the great treasures in life, but they somehow become even better outside in warmer weather. Lawn seats suddenly don't suck as bad as you thought they would.
3. No school
I know most people can probably agree one of the BEST things about summer is being able to forget about torturous school work. It gets even better when you go to college and you don't really have a "required" summer reading.
4. (Less) responsibilities
Yeah, no school is wicked nice, but there are still other responsibilities such as having a job. At least working is usually not as stressful.
5. Fairs/carnivals
Personally, one of my favorite things about summer is the New York State Fair. Most states/counties have fairs with amazing fried food that screams summer. Literally.
6. Driving with the windows down
Picture driving with your windows down, sunglasses on, and country music blasting. It's impossible not to be excited for summer now.
7. Country music
If you're not a country music fan you can stop reading here. Just kidding, that was a poor joke. Anyway, country music is fine all year long, but something about summer makes it way more enjoyable to listen to.
8. Being tan
Being tan honestly just bursts my mood. Maybe it's because I look like a ghost all winter.
9. Campfires
Once you try them, you'll want s'more!
10. Going to the beach
The beach offers a variety of summer fun. Even if you are not a fan of aquatic activities, just tanning on the beach is pretty cool too.
11. More daylight
Life can get pretty depressing when it gets dark at 5PM.
12. An overall happier mood
Summer is definitely hands down the best season. Whether it is the better weather, no school, or lazy beach days, everyone is happier over the summer. Sunshine, good vibes, and some of the best memories come from late summer nights.
Summer where are you?