Best Scholarships for Women | The Odyssey Online
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Best Scholarships for Women

Scholarships for Women

Best Scholarships for Women

In the past years, women's education has given major importance. There has been a time when women's education was the least important thing. But it has been proven that women's education is equally important as men's. Women around the world are studying hard to achieve their respective goals. But education has became tougher. If you want to study well you have to invest good money as well. Not everyone out there can afford higher studies. And most of us have dreamt to study at an international university. But not everyone can afford the expenses. For all national and international students universities have set some scholarships. Which help them in all way to see their dream coming true. There are numerous universities that are offering scholarships to women

The American Association of University for Women

The American Association of University for Women is one of the institutes that provides good scholarships. AAUW provides seven different types of scholarships for women. These include American fellowship for American scholars. The other is the International American fellowship for international scholars who are not US residents or have come on a study visa. Selected professional fellowship Is for the women in the US perusing a master's degree in computer science, mathematics, and business.

The Schlumberger Foundation

Schlumberger is one of those institutions which provide scholarship to women who are in the filed of computer science and technology. Faculty of future program is granted to women who are from developing department of STEM fields. STEM means Science, technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The scholarship is provided for PhD and postdoctoral studies in these fields in any university around the world. Selective students are chosen on the bases of the potential and then the scholarship is provided to them. The scholarship worth of $50,000 per annum.

Women's Techmakers Scholarship Program

Google's women Techmakers scholarship program provides scholarships to women persuading graduate or undergraduate programs in science and technology. Scholarships that worth $10,000 per annum are provided to scholars worldwide. Also Google's scholarship program provide financial support which allow students to do a internship in one of the major offices of Google.

L'Oréal UNESCO for women in science program

The L'Oréal UNESCO for women in science program provide scholarship worth £15,000 for five international scholars persuading postdoc research in any Irish or UK university. The aim of this program is to allow young and talented researchers to work at institutes out of their respective country.

1000 dreams scholarship fund:

The 1000 dreams scholarship fund is provided by Greater Kansas City community foundation. This scholarship provides $1,000 to undergraduate high school students or college going to fulfil their needs. The fund is provided only for educational purposes like for fee, stationery etcetera and not for personal use.

PEO International scholarship:

PEO International scholarship is one of the oldest which established in 1869. The PEO International scholarship provide scholarship need base of worth $3,000 to women wants to study undergraduate or doctoral degree. These are provided to women who couldn't mange to study further due to some issues. The scholarship provided to US and Canada based students. Moreover the PEO Star Scholarship and PEO Scholars Award is provided to women who want to study undergraduate or doctoral degree.

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