The Best Scary Movies On Netflix | The Odyssey Online
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The Best Scary Movies On Netflix

Scary Movie and Chill?

The Best Scary Movies On Netflix
Horror Movie Blog

Everyone knows Netflix doesn’t have the absolute best selection of movies - We mostly use Netflix for the TV shows.

But sometimes we are in the mood for a good movie. Most of the movies on Netflix have never been heard of, so watching one can either be a hit or a miss. Luckily, I have watched almost every movie in the Netflix horror category.

The movies on this list range from okay to awesome, but I promise none of these movies suck. For your next movie-night-in you should check out one of these horror films:

1. The Babadook

Rating: Awesome

If you have never seen The Babadook, I highly recommend it as one of the best scary movies on Netflix. In this film, a single mother deals with her hyperactive son’s fear of a monster called the Babadook. As the movie goes on, the mother realizes that there might be something evil lurking in their home.

The beginning of the movie might seem a bit slow, but it gets scary I promise.

2. House of Wax

Rating: Good

In this movie, a group of teenagers find themselves lost in a strange town when they stumble upon a wax museum with very realistic wax figures. Beware that this film includes some cringe worthy gore.

3. Hush

Rating: Good

If you were deaf and mute, would you live deep in the woods alone? Me neither.

Everyone knows that living alone in the woods is just an invitation for a scary movie happenings to take place. This is the premise of this suspenseful film. When an intruder comes into this woman’s home, she must fight to survive.

4. The Good Neighbor

Rating: Okay

In The Good Neighbor, two teenage boys perform a prank on the old man next door by making him believe his house is haunted. However, the old man has secrets.

This movie makes the list because even though it wasn’t super scary, the story line kept me interested to see what would happen. Plus it has a pretty unique ending.

5. Haunter

Rating: Really good

I love this movie, and have watched it multiple times. Even though this movie isn’t the scariest movie on the list, it is a completely fresh idea on the typical haunted house tale. The plot in Haunter is very interesting/trippy with lots of twists and turns.

6. Time Lapse

Rating: Good

Just like the movie above, Time Lapse has a unique plot that keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat. In this movie, three young adults find a camera that prints out a picture 24 hours into the future at the same time every day. The characters use this to their advantage for a while, but eventually learn that manipulating time can get messy and dangerous.

I should probably note that this is not a typical horror film. It is more of a sci-fi thriller.

7. Kristy

Rating: Okay

In this movie, a young woman in college decides to stay on campus for Thanksgiving break. The campus is completely deserted and she is practically alone. At first she enjoys her alone time, until a few psychopaths turn terrorizing her into a game.

I remember that I liked this movie, but didn’t love it. Not a spectacularly memorable scary movie but it is an okay watch.

8. The Den

Rating: Okay

In The Den, a woman is doing a research project on the patterns of webcam users. She spends hours each day talking to random people online. The horror story begins when she sees a murder take place on webcam.

This movie has a Paranormal Activity vibe in that the video camera for most of the movie is a computer. I usually hate movies like this, because they come across as cheaply made. However, this movie wasn’t bad.

9. Come Back to Me

Rating: really good

I love this movie. It is trippy, suspenseful and pretty scary. In this film, the main character is diagnosed to have night terrors every night that wake her up in an absolute panic. When she decides to put cameras around her home, she discovers the terrifying things that really go on in her home while she is sleeping.

10. The Perfect Host

Rating: Good

This movie isn’t ghosts and goblins scary. It is crazy person scary. In The Perfect Host, a criminal is running from the police and tries to hide out in a random man’s home. Turns out this man has some dark secrets of his own.

11. The Mirror

Rating: Okay

This is one of those movies where the characters film the video themselves. I usually hate these movies, but this one turned out to be interesting and scary. In The Mirror, the characters want to record their experiences with a haunted mirror they find on the Internet. Turns out the mirror actually is cursed.

12. Curve

Rating: Good

This isn’t a typical horror movie; it is more of a thriller with a few scary parts. Julianne Hough from Safe Haven stars in this movie. When she gets into a car accident and comes face to face with a psychopath, she must fight to survive.

13 & 14. Contracted and Contracted Phase 2

Rating: Good

I really liked these movies, but they have some gross parts. What can you expect with a title like Contracted? Obviously, it is about a disease.

These movies definitely aren’t the best scary movies on Netflix, but if you have a few hours to kill, they aren’t bad. The Contracted movies kept my attention and kept me interested.

15. Last Shift

Rating: Awesome

Have you ever stumbled across a random movie on Netflix, and then it blows your mind? That is what happened to me with this movie. I think this is the scariest movie available on Netflix.

In Last Shift, a new cop is left to the night shift at a soon to be abandoned prison. She is alone, and it gets really scary really quick. There are lots of jump scares in this movie, crazy people and plot twists. This is a must-see for anyone who loves scary movies.

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