10 Cheesy Rom-Com Songs For The Millennial Soul
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10 Cheesy Rom-Com Songs For The Millennial Soul

Fan of rom-coms or not, there's no denying these songs are classics.

10 Cheesy Rom-Com Songs For The Millennial Soul
Paramount Pictures

Romantic comedies are a bittersweet gift to this world. In the negative sense, they are painfully predictable, contain the same love stories, and have incredibly similar soundtracks.

But, in a positive light, they allow us to escape reality and live in a fantasy world for a little while, where the person we like likes us back and everything is perfect.

If you're anything like me, you conceal your love for romantic comedies. On the outside, I detest them left and right, but on the inside, they are without a doubt my guilty pleasure. It almost pains me to say it, but I truly do have a soft spot for these movies and their foreseeable happy endings.

However, I think my favorite part of these movies is their soundtracks. The songs that play in the background when the guy and girl finally end up together, when its pouring rain and the couple confesses their love for each other, when the two life-long best friends realize they've been in love the whole time. I am a sucker for these songs, so much so that I made a playlist of them. So without further ado, here are songs I've collected that will forever remind you of those iconic scenes in your favorite rom-coms:

1. "Put Your Records On" by Corinne Bailey Rae

Whenever I hear this song, I am automatically transported to a bedroom with the windows open and broken heart in an early 2000s movie. This is the song that plays when the girl is trying to get over the crappy thing the boy did to her and she's dancing around her room. It's also a bop.

2. "Sweet Pea" by Amos Lee

"Sweet Pea" is typically played at the end of rom-coms, when the couple you've been rooting to be together for the entire movie is FINALLY together. The ending shot can vary between the couple holding hands and walking off into the sunset, sharing a kiss, or laughing together. You decide which one is the sappiest and touches your heart the most.

3. "Collide" by Howie Day

Oh man, this song. While it is typically used in television shows rather than movies, it is still nonetheless played during scenes we can all imagine in our minds. Notably, this song reminds me of "One Tree Hill," in which the song is featured in a few episodes, and if any TV show features cheesy rom-com moments, it's definitely this show. And that's why I love it.

4. "Closing Time" by Semisonic

"Closing Time" has been featured in both movies and TV shows, such as "Friends with Benefits," "The Office," "How I Met Your Mother," and "Rules of Engagement." This song is the epitome of the main character walking away defeated after the love of their life tells them they can't be together.

5. "Built This Way" by Samantha Ronson

Given the fact that this song is from the "Mean Girls" soundtrack, I'd say it fits pretty well into this category of songs. It is played at different scenes throughout the movie, including when Cady turns away from Aaron to go shopping with the plastics when Aaron is in Cady's room and sees the photo of her on an elephant and when Aaron dances with Cady at the prom. A classic.

6. "She's So High" by Tal Bachman

This song was released in 1999 — the perfect time for it to be included in early 2000s TV shows and movies. It possesses all the qualities that you want a song included in these movies to have. The lyrics talk about a girl being "so high above" the guy, it has a slow build-up in the beginning and is just overall a jam, in my opinion. It will give you a sense of nostalgia, but you can also rock out to it. Perfect.

7. "Send Me on My Way" by Rusted Root

I feel like this is the type of song that is usually played as a "filler" song. It's a very upbeat song, so it's played at a happy plot development scene, maybe when the character is with her best friend, when they accomplish something great, or when they discover amazing news.

8. "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol

This was my favorite song in seventh grade, and whenever I hear it, it automatically takes me back to being 13-years-old and thinking this song was the most romantic song I've ever heard. This song has been featured in pivotal emotional moments in both television and movies. Once again, it was included in "One Tree Hill," Season 3, Episode 22, the finale in which Nathan and Haley's wedding takes a dramatic turn (I cried at that episode.) It has also been in "Grey's Anatomy," "Cold Case," and "Just Go With It."

9. "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield

This song is a CLASSIC. Everybody knows this song. I honestly don't even know what to say about this song because it is defined in so many different ways by a lot of people. For me, it reminds me of "Pretty Little Liars," but it has been featured in many more movies and TV shows.

10. "A Thousand Miles" by Vanessa Carlton

You didn't think I'd forget this song, did you? If I had to choose any song to perfectly define this feeling I have been trying to relate in this article, it is THIS SONG. This song defines early 2000s rom-coms so flawlessly. While most of us may think of "White Chicks" upon hearing this song, it nonetheless contains everything we want in a song to remind us of simpler times. It's the type of song you scream in the car with your best friends, the song that reminds you of the crush you had in sixth grade, and maybe even makes you cry. Thank you, Vanessa Carlton, for providing us with this timeless bop.

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