You can spend the day with whoever you want
There is no significant other that you need to impress or set aside time to spend with. If you want to go out with the squad, so be it. Anything goes on the night of Valentine’s Day, even Hooters. Wings are a good remedy for the lonely soul.
Not having to worry about where you’re going to store that oversized stuffed animal.
Let’s be real – that oversized teddy bear that every girl claims that they want is OBNOXIOUS. Especially if you live in a dorm or apartment, trying to find a place to store it is the worst part. Also, what do these girls plan on doing with it in the long run?
The day afterwards, ALL candy 50% off
This is the prime time to stock up on Reese’s and stick them in the freezer! Take advantage of this opportunity to grab as many bags of candy off the shelves as you want. The cashier at the CVS counter is definitely NOT going to judge you.
You don’t have to give in to overrated traditions
Does anybody really like receiving flowers that will die in a week or a gaudy piece of jewelry? It’s one thing if your (hypothetical) S.O. has very good taste but if they’re the type to buy you something that’s huge, fake, and heart-shaped, you probably don’t look forward to Valentine’s Day all that much anyway.
The amount of money that you save from not having to celebrate it
Between the cost of dinner, entertainment, lingerie, candy, other gifts, and condoms, you’re spending a small fortune. With all of the money that you spent on preparing for Valentine’s Day you can go out and buy yourself something very nice like a new pair of shoes or new perfume/cologne for actually a lot less than that.
You have no expectations of what the day will bring (AKA no reason to be disappointed)
If you’re going into Valentine’s Day just thinking that it’s just another day, you’re doing it right. Having this mindset gives you the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised rather than disappointed because of high or false expectations.