Rocky Horror is an absolute classic and a yearlong affair in my household. Though only seeing it once in theater, I have watched the movie countless times since being exposed to the movie by my musical-loving mother, and I have fallen in love with both the music and the story.
For many, Rocky Horror is a Halloween or autumn tradition with theaters, bars and cinemas being filled with repeats of the 1975 film starring Tim Curry, as an alien from Transsexual, Transylvania named Dr. Frank N. Furter. The movie has truly iconic moments, below are gifs of the most popular and most meaningful lines from the film.
1. "Damn it, Janet. I love you" -Brad Majors
I think just about everyone can relate, where they love their boyfriend/girlfriend (or for Brad his now fiancé). But yet they're just do damn irritated by anything they do.
3. "There's a light in the darkness, of everybody's life." -Brad Majors and Janet Weiss
5. "MORE MORE MORE!" -Columbia and Magenta
The two are watching Janet's lust for Rocky, this line is in response to the line above.
5. "'Cause I've seen blue skies, through the tears in my eyes." -Dr. Frank N. Furter
6. " I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey." -The Criminologist
7 (cont.). "pation!" -Dr. Frank N. Furter
This is definitely one of the most iconic lines from the production due to the theater's reaction to this wherever you go to see it live. This line drives people crazy screaming "SAY IT!"