On my journey to become the best person I can possibly be, one thing that has become glaringly obvious is I can be quite a negative person sometimes. Depending on the situation and who I am around, my actions and words can be very negative. Growing up, I used to be a happy and positive little girl who didn't think anything bad could ever happen. In the last couple of years, I have been forced to endure the loss of loved ones and struggled with my mental health. Recently, I have been trying to be more positive every day, and I found these quotes to be beneficial.
"A negative mind will never give you a positive life." -Unknown
Everyone wants to have a nice, happy life, but most always have a negative outlook on life and certain situations. In order to have a happy life, you have to be positive. They just simply go hand in hand.
"Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud." -Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou is definitely one of my favorite poets of all time. This quote really stays with me because I want to be that person who is a positive and calming influence in someone else's life. Some days people just need someone to be nice to them, and it can change their entire day. Be positive and nice to everyone because you never truly know what they are going through.
"There are always flowers for those who want to see them." -Henry Matisse
I feel like this is something my grandma always tries to tell me. You have to be willing to work in order to see the good things happening. Even if it is something minuscule, look for it and celebrate it.
"If ever you find yourself doubting you can make it through a challenge, simply think back to everything you've overcome in the past." -Karen Salmansohn
After everything I have been through, it's sometimes really easy to just look back and be like, "Yeah, whatever. I guess I made it out alive." I've been trying to remind myself daily of how much I have grown over the last four years and even in the last year alone.
"Surround yourself with those who only lift you higher." -Oprah Winfrey
THIS ONE RIGHT HERE. Being surrounded by negative people makes you negative. Period. This has definitely influenced some of my negativity. There are people in my life who just don't know how to be positive, and eventually, I picked up on their bad habits of being negative in my actions and words. As I transition in the next chapter of my life, I am aiming to surround myself with people who are positive in order for myself to become more of a positive person.
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it." -Edith Wharton
I just really love this quote because of the imagery. I am definitely like a little kid and LOVE when I can see pictures (even if they are mental pictures) because it's just easier for me to understand.
Being positive can be a struggle sometimes, but it is definitely worth it. Every day I strive to become more positive in everything I do, and these quotes have constantly reminded me to do so.