It finally feels like fall outside and it's about time. Fall is probably the best season of the year as it's not too hot but also not too cold. For all of you Southerners, yes, this means that hurricane season is finally over! You should probably stop and do a little dance for that because this season was a doozie. Also, the feeling of fall is the time of year when the basic-ness comes out of all of us, don't be ashamed, it is inevitable. Many wonderful things happen in fall, here are a few of my favorites:
1. The whole season is aesthetic for picture taking
Because if you don't post it on Instagram did it really even happen?
2. You can wear any outfit you want and be completely comfortable.
Yes, shorts and long-sleeves go well together. I swear.
3. The fair is in town!
*Cough best date spot cough*
4. The world is just prettier.
Who doesn't love the leaves when they change colors? Not to mention jumping in big piles of them.
5. It's the start of "the holidays."
Halloween to New Years has it's own category of "the holidays" and boy is it a nice time. People just seem friendlier.
6. There is pumpkin-spice everything.
Okay, this one is starting to get a little out of hand on how much pumpkin spice there is in the world. But if you like it, embrace it.
7. You can snuggle up with your significant other by a fire.
Do I need to even say more? Probably the best feeling ever.
8. You can finally turn your air off and open the windows.
Electric bill: are you finally going to go down now?
9. It's the best time of year for food.
I mean come on, free candy from Halloween, mass amounts of Thanksgiving food, and then constant baked Christmas cookies? Yes please.
10. Finally, it is the most loving time of the year.
Feel appreciated! You are loved! And make sure you tell your friends and family you love them too.
Embrace fall! It is a wonderful season that isn't here for long. Before you know it there will be snow on your doorstep!