Going home for the holidays can be bitter sweet. When home you can get away from all the stress and work that comes with being a college student, but at the same time you are leaving all (most) of your friends that you are used to spending just about everyday with. There are definitely perks about being home, and I am going to highlight some fr you.
1. Pets
A hug from, or just me hugging, my dog seems to fix just about anything, and that is not something I can get at school!
2. Food
It's awesome to be able to just open the fridge door and there be food there to be eaten whenever you are hungry. Plus, there is nothing like a nice home cooked meal (even if you are the one doing the cooking.)
3. Freedom
No homework, no responsibilities (or some responsibility), Freedom! Or at least that is what it feels like for the first week of break, and then you realize that as long as you are home your mom will always find a way to give you more work than ever before.
4. Old Friends
Celebrating the end of one semester is always better with old high school friends. It's great reminiscing and it's just great being with the people that have been there for you for what seems like forever.
5. Family![]()
Holidays would not be the same without family. Family is what makes the holidays special.