Last summer I spent 10 days in Europe, and like almost everyone else who has traveled there, I absolutely loved it. I went to Paris and the museums, architecture, entertainment, tours, food, and history were all out of this world. There is one particular aspect of their culture however that I wish I would have brought back into the states with me. I truly feel that if more Americans had adapted to this European way of thinking and socializing, our society would be much more kind, engaging, and enjoyable.
Strolling along the streets of Paris, you will walk past many coffee shops with outdoor tables at which people sit and sip their drinks either alone or with friends, often times for hours. No one is on their phones or computers, they are talking and enjoying each other’s company or simply people watching and daydreaming. There is nothing strange about sitting alone, looking out into the streets and observing your surroundings. Similarly, it is also very normal for a meal at a restaurant to last hours with several courses in France, as I heard it is in other European countries. Meals are made into events or celebrations of some kind, instead of simple tasks that have to happen. Coffee shops and cafes are places to slow down and take a break from a busy day of work and electronics, and to just be mindful of your environment and yourself. That is something I believe we lack as Americans, mindfulness.
Typically in my life, mealtimes are something that happen very quickly in between events, during a day that is jam packed with activity. When I am able to go out and have a nice lunch or dinner with my friends, we usually all have our phones out and are taking pictures, posting on social media, and even texting others. There is nearly always something planned directly after the meal that I have to rush to get to. If we’re at a restaurant, the staff is expecting the check to be paid and for us to be out the door the second after the last bite of food. I feel that these mealtimes are in a way, a symbol of how we live our lives as Americans. As a culture, we are extremely concerned with time and getting things accomplished. As a whole we are very work oriented, which of course is a positive thing. However, it often prohibits us from living in the moment and being mindful of what we are experiencing at that time. In addition, we are so over stimulated by electronics that for too many of us (myself included) it becomes interesting to be without it, and when you just want to eat some good food and talk to your friends, that’s a sad thing. So I think for at least a small portion, or for one meal of the day, we should all try to be a little European!