It's that time of year again, which means the Thanksgiving memes are coming back out. Whether you're on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, there's no escaping these memes. If you're African American, you'll find these ones relatable AF:
1. This one that was literally all of our grandma's...

2. This one about having seconds anxiety...

3. This meme about having to leave at the end of the day...

4. This one about to-go plates...

5. This look we know all too well...

6. This other relatable AF one about grandma's...

7. And this one about removing necessary layers...

8. This meme about trying to be like the adults...

9. When it showed our true priorities during grace...

10. This one about post-meal dishes...

11. This attitude warning...

12. This meme about grandma wanting to leave early...

13. When someone's hands determined the food quality...

14. This level of confidence...

15. This look you give when you're ready to eat but grandma won't let you...

16. This one where you're starving but prayer isn't over...

17. This relatable AF one about roughhousing with your family...

18. This look you give when you're the subject of prayer...

19. This one about mom's transformation...

20. ...and this reaction you have when you're told to eat leftovers for the 10th time...
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