The Shadowy Spirits of Rolling Hills Asylum | The Odyssey Online
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13 Of The Best 'Buzzfeed Unsolved' Videos That Will Get Your Heart Pumping

Beware! Spooky ghosts and chilling unsolved murders lie ahead.

If you were ever the type of person who has been interested in the unsolved mysteries of the world, a youtube series named "Buzzed Unsolved" is the perfect one for you.
Two amateur investigators named Ryan and Shane take on unsolved murders, haunted houses, and conspiracy theories. There are two different series within "Buzzfeed Unsolved": supernatural and true crime. In "True Crime," Ryan explains various unsolved murders and mysteries, while in "Supernatural," the boys are forever asking the question: are ghost real? With Ryan believing in ghosts and Shane thinking it's all untrue, the boys bring horrifying cases to life with a fun twist.

The Bizarre Disappearance of Bobby Dunbar

This controversial story takes place in Louisiana in 1912 when a 4-year-old boy named Bobby Dunbar goes missing while on a walk with a family friend and other boys. Bobby's body was never found which lead to people to believe that he was still alive. Almost one year later, there is a tip that a boy resembling Bobby is found, but the man with the boy insists that it is his nephew, Bruce Anderson. The question still stands today: is this boy Bobby Dunbar or Bruce Anderson?

The Haunting of Hannah Williams

In every investigation, the boys search in places that have been made famous, therefore already investigated, or places that were only active in the past. However, in this video, the boys take a haunted house call. One of the producers at Buzzfeed, asked them for help with investigating the house that she currently lives in and believes is active. This episode shows compelling evidence to continue the hunt if ghosts are real.

The Strange Disappearance of D.B. Cooper

This happens to be one of the FBI's biggest unsolved cases. One day, a man named Dan Cooper bought a plane ticket, leading him to tell the stewardess he had a bomb. Cooper eventually took the plane hostage and demanded a large sum of money. After it had landed, Cooper forced some of the crew to stay and to drive the plane. Once the plane was between Seattle and Reno, Cooper jumped off the airplane with his sack of money and was never seen again.

The Historic Disappearance of Louis Le Prince

Even though Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the motion picture camera, this is not true. It's not true since a man named Louis Le Prince invented it first. On his way to present his invention in New York, Louis Le Prince is last seen getting on a train by his brother and then never seen again. Because of this strange disappearance, Louis Le Prince is forgotten about in textbooks and will never get the fame that he deserved.

The Disturbing Murders at Keddie Cabin

In 1981 in Keddie, California, the Sharp family and some friends stepped in cabin number 28. One night, one of the older children was staying at a friend's house. When she comes back to her family the next day, she sees the horror of four people murdered in the cabin. With lack of evidence, this mystery still haunts the small town of Keddie.

The Creepy Murder in Room 1046

A man named Roland T. Owen checked into room 1046. During his stay, he allowed the maid to come to the room and clean but insisted that the door remain unlocked since a friend was about to visit. The room was kept dark, except for one dim lamb. After a couple of weird instances, Owen was found bloodied in his room but still alive. After a detective came to speak to Owen, he asked if anyone was in the room, to which he replied nobody. He explains him falling against the bathtub, despite the room being covered in blood. After being taken the hospital, Owen had died. Lack of evidence and mysterious surroundings around Roland T. Owen keeps this case unsolved.

The Tragic Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

The case of the tragic death of a 6-year-old pageant queen began the day after Christmas when her mother Patsy found a ransom note on their staircase. 8 hours later, her body is found in her own basement. Due to the lack of the incorrect police protocol and lack of evidence, people are still asking "who murdered JonBenét Ramsey?"

The Chilling Exorcism of Anneliese Michel

This case of a 16-year-old girl, believed to be possessed was so haunting, it became the movie named "The Exorcism of Emily Rose." This chilling video shows audio of the exorcism and the creepy voice that comes out of this girl is not one to be messed with. No one knows if this was an actual case of demonic possession or just a delusion created by her family and the church.

The Demonic Goatman's Bridge

Old Alton's Bridge has many stories of people being attacked and thrown by a demonic presence. The boys visit this bridge to find out the legend of the demon that surrounds this bridge.

The Horrors of Pennhurst Asylum

Now a halloween attraction, Pennhurst Asylum was created in 1903 for the feeble-minded and epileptic. It soon became a place of poor living conditions and a documentary was made to showcase the horrors that people lived with. The asylum is now believed to be haunted by the spirts that took residency here.

The Mysterious Disappearance of the Roanoke Colony 

One of the oldest mysteries in US history, the lost colony of Roanoke seemingly disappeared. John White, the leader of the Roanoke colony had left to go back to England to retrieve supplies, but when arriving back 3 years later, he discovered that the entire colony was missing. Were these people killed? Were they assimilated into a native tribe? Were they abducted by aliens?

The Shadowy Spirits of Rolling Hills Asylum 

Officially opening in 1827, this asylum was a poorhouse, which is a government run that supported the needy. The current owner and countless other people have told stories of the ghosts that haunt this asylum. One of the most active areas in this building is known as Shadow Hallway, which the current owner believers to have a portal to the underworld

The Phantom Prisoners of Ohio State Penitentiary 

One of the most haunted places in the US, this prison was known for its violence and poor living conditions. This place was originally for first time offenders and minor criminals to reform themselves, but due to insufficient funds and an influx of prisoners, Ohio State Penitentiary became overcrowded. At least 216 people died during their time at this prison, leading for this place to have plenty of angry spirits.

One of my most favorite Youtube Series, Buzzfeed Unsolved brings fun to learning about unsolved mysteries. If this sparked your curiosity, check out their channel!
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