"Black Mirror" is a sci-fi anthology show which reflects the damaging nature of technology. Each episode follows a different story, complete with different characters. Moreover, each episode also shows a near future of how human's relationship with technology can evolve for the worse if we are not careful.
"Shut Up and Dance" - S03E03
This episode follows a teenager named Kenny, who is being blackmailed to do horrendous criminal acts. He soon meets up with a man named Hector, who is also being blackmailed by the same anonymous person. The two must band together to end this reign of terror.
"Playtest" - S03E02
While traveling in London, a man named Cooper picks up a one-time job offer to test a game at a video game company so that he can afford to go back home to America. It includes crazy mind games that make you go... crazy.
"Hang the DJ" - S04E04
In a world where relationships are determined by a system, a girl named Amy and a boy named Frank are coupled up together for only 12 hours. They both soon realize that they want more than 12 hours, but that goes against all the rules of the system. Will they ever be able to be together?
"Fifteen Million Merits" - S01E02
To power their surroundings and earn money, what they call 'merits,' most people have to exercise on bicycles and the only escape is to win a talent show named "Hot Shot." This episode follows a man named Bing, who after meeting a girl named Abi, convinces her to enter the show. Unfortunately for them, things soon take a turn for the worse.
"White Bear" - S02E02
Imagine waking up one day to a world where everyone is controlled by a television signal. Victoria wakes up one day in this dystopian society where she and other unaffected people must stop the white bear transmission.
"San Junipero" - S03E04
One of the most acclaimed episodes, this story depicts an introverted girl named Yorkie after she meets an extroverted girl named Kelly. This episode follows the trials and tribulations of their relationship and the constant search for one another.
"Black Museum" - S04E06
While on a road trip, a young girl named Nish stops at a museum where she meets Rolo. He begins to tell three stories from various objects that are presented in the museum in which Rolo had used technology to transfer the human brain.
"USS Callister" - S04E01
A founder of popular online video game named Robert has become upset over the lack of respect from his coworkers. To take out his frustration, Robert plays a stimulated Star Trek game where he uses his coworkers DNA to place them in. Will they ever find a way out?
"The Entire History of You" - S01E03
In an alternate reality, each person has a grain placed in their head, giving them the ability to look back at their memories through their eyes or on screens. This episode follows a married couple, Liam and Ffion, where there is a suspicion of infidelity.
"Black Mirror" is one of those shows that you won't be able to get off your mind. Netflix currently has 4 seasons streaming, but they're in production for a 5th interactive season, where viewers can choose their own ending. If this sparked your interest, you can stream all 19 episodes on Netflix now!