"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" (SVU) has been around since I was born. I have been obsessed with it on and off for as long as I can remember. That being said, here are the ten best things that ADA Rafael Barba has done for and on the show.
1. Fashion is everything.
A tie and suspenders combo is always the way to go, especially for our favorite ADA. You will be hard-pressed to find an episode where Rafael Barba is dressed down; he always dresses to impress.
2. He takes shit from no one.
Whether in court or out, ADA Barba doesn't take attitude from anyone.
3. He is jokey in a serious way.
While he doesn't smile much, and it takes a while for him to open up to anyone, he does have a sense of humor. It is just more of a dry, sarcastic, serious sense of humor. It makes for an interesting watch, that's for sure.
4. He takes his job seriously.
Rafael Barba takes his job very seriously. He is always trying to do his best to get the victims justice, and he doesn't let anyone get in his way.
5. He is a good team member and friend.
While it may have taken some time for the SVU squad to get used to having ADA Barba as part of their team, which is forgivable given the revolving door of ADAs that they experienced, once they warmed up to him it was a match made in heaven. Rafael is there for his teammates in whatever way he can be, just like they are for him.
6. He knows how to get and hold someone's attention.
ADA Barba knows that just yelling "objection" doesn't always get the job done. Sometimes you need a snappy one-line thrown in.
7. He knows how to handle a witness.
Whether it's his witness or the defense's, ADA Barba knows how to deal with anyone. He gets the information he needs to make his case and uses it to crush the witness on the stand and his competition.
8. He will do anything to win.
The very first time we meet Rafael Barba is his first case with SVU. This case involved a man using a belt and choking the victim. In order to get a conviction, ADA Barba gave his own belt to the accused while he was on the stand and let him choke him with it. All to make a point. It worked, he got the win and the victim got justice, all because he will do anything to win.
9. He can be sassy AF.
ADA Barba is known for his sassy remarks, it is one of the reasons I love him so much. This is just an example of his brilliance.
10. He is, in my opinion, the best ADA the squad has had yet.
The show has seen a lot of ADAs over the years, and I mean a lot. And while I like Casey and Alex, there is just something about Rafael Barba that makes him stand out just a little bit more. Maybe it is his backstory or maybe it is that I get his humor, but whatever it is, it makes him my favorite ADA.