Now that the year of "realizing things" is over, and thank the Lord almighty for that, we can move on to bigger and better things, but let's not fool ourselves! We both know that New Year's resolution you made about getting that Victoria's Secret Angel body is not gonna last, so let's stop kidding ourselves. I think it's about time we stop pressuring ourselves every new year to drastically change who we are, only to fail 3 weeks in and end up feeling bad about ourselves. Therefore, I've compiled 17 ideas of little easy things you can incorporate into this new year to be a happier, healthier, and better you, but you know, without depriving yourself of cheeseburgers.
1. Drink more water.
I know this sounds stupid, but it's easy and will help you, so just shut up and listen to me. If weight loss is your go-to New Year's resolution every year, why not make the quick fix and cut out soda; it'll clear up your skin, make you feel better, and better yet, you can be snobby about it to your friends and family.
2. Go buy something you really really want.
Listen here, go out and buy something you have been really really wanting. I'm not talking a Forever 21 shirt, I'm talking like a Free people dress. With. Sparkles. Then wear it all the time and rock it, sleep in it if that's what it takes to feel like Beyoncé. I don't care, you do you!
3. Stop wasting weekends.
There is so much more to do than having a girls night in, look up things to do in your town or surrounding city. Just think, in years to come are you gonna remember that day you spent doing the same old same old or that day you and your friends drove down to Oklahoma City and toured museums, went to a trendy coffee shop, or just explored a city.
4. Let the little things slide.
Forgive people for the little things (and big things,) but let's start small, like that girl who unfollowed you on Instagram, even though your pictures are straight fire! #whatever.
5. Let go of the past, people.
Remember that thing that that one girl did like a year ago. It's time to let that go!
6. Start new traditions with friends.
Start new traditions with your friends and go all out. This year I threw a pumpkin carving party, obviously named PJs Pumpkin Palooza because I'm slightly extra, it's fine. Anyway, it ended up being one of the highlights of my year and something we are all looking forward to in 2017.
7. Take more pictures.
Take pictures of everything and anything and not for the purpose of posting them on social media. Take pictures of your friends and trees and random corners of buildings. And by all means make that boy take 18048 pictures with you at a date party, until you are happy with one. I can't tell you how much I treasure some pictures that are just of ordinary everyday life that bring back happy memories.
8. Take a chill pill and calm down.
This is probably what I'm most guilty of, I worry about my problems, my friends' problems, a friend of a friend's problems, and all the problems I make up in my head. Therefore, let's make 2017 the year of calming the heck down and just living life, or at least that's what I'm gonna do.
9. Change all your friends' icons on your phone to horribly ugly pictures of them.
Go to the contacts right now and do it! Every time they call or text you (which is probably on a daily basis) you'll get a good laugh. This is probably one of the best things I ever did on my phone.
10. Treat yourself to some good food.
Listen, indulging yourself every once in a while is good for the soul and your mental health. I know everyone is on board with the new year new bod trend, but eating some cheese fries every few weeks is not gonna kill you. In fact, it will probably keep you sane, as you try to eat only celery and kale!
11. Give out random compliments.
During dead week this year, a random stranger complimented me on my obnoxious Christmas socks and it made my day! We all have moments like these, so why not put out a little good karma in the world this year!
12. Try and sleep more, you party animal.
You know you need to, enough said.
13. Speaking of sleep, clean your sheets more.
I swear by this, there is nothing like jumping into bed with freshly cleaned sheets. Plus, it's a good way to start adulting more, baby steps people!
14. More long night talks with your gal pals.
There is nothing better than sitting in the car getting late night fast food and having a long talk with your best friend. Shout out to Whataburger for being my go-to spot for talks! Also, shout out to the 5lbs I gained from it!
15. Enjoy the little things.
What are the little things that make you happy, find out, and then focus on them. It might be a certain spot in the library you like, lighting candles when you come home from a long day, or a favorite blanket. When you start noticing the little things, life becomes that much sweeter.
16. 2017 >2016.
Leave 2016 in the past and start fresh. This is a new year full of all new possibilities. Don't let what happened last year dictate how this new year will turn out.
17. Make this year your own.
If Kylie Jenner can deem 2016 the year of "realizing stuff," then there is no reason you can't make 2017 your own. Make this your year, whether it's the year of waking up happy every morning, the year of wanting to grow as a person, or even the year of inner confidence! Go out and slay 2017 people!