I am Julia, a 20-year-old adult college student, and I still take naps almost daily. They’re not just for kids anymore, naps are something that everyone should learn to take advantage of. You can’t be productive if you’re overly tired, and while a caffeine buzz may take care of it in the short term, it will just lead to an eventual crash.
Short naps have become one of my favorite parts of the day, an activity I have recently found myself greatly looking forward to. If you still don’t seem convinced, here are some more reasons why naps should be your best friend if they aren’t already.
1. They're an excuse to spend a little more time in bed
Who wouldn't love an excuse to be a little comfier during the day?
2. They help you tune out for a bit
Constantly updating social media can get a little obnoxious sometimes and it can be nice to tune it out for a little bit.
3. They're a great form of procrastination
They're a great excuse to put something off just a little bit longer. Chances are, you'll be more ready to tackle that task when you wake up.
4. They help to destress
A nap is a great momentary relief from feeling overwhelmed.
5. They're actually really good for you
Multiple studies have found that naps can benefit your health such as by reducing your risk for heart disease and improving your learning and memory.
6. They help to reenergize
Nobody is very productive when they're feeling burnt out, a nap is just what you need to get you going again.
7. They'll improve your mood
I don't know about you, but I can get pretty grumpy when I'm tired. A nap will not just help you out, but also everyone you interact with.
8. They'll actually make you more productive
Having to schedule your day around a nap will force you to be more efficient with your time.
9. They add structure to your day
Planning one into your schedule also forces you to structure and organize the rest of your day.
10. You'll feel 1000x better afterward
And ready to take on the rest of your day!