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You Can't Say 'Goodbye' To 2018 Without Seeing These 10 Movies

My favs by far.


This past year had some amazing movies. Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order, of course.

"Love, Simon"

I love this lighthearted romantic drama comedy. The story was amazing and real! It was a nice step for LGBT youth as it wasn't tragic and the romance wasn't forbidden. The simplicity and realistic qualities were good.


This amazing and creepy horror film shook me and everyone that watched it. After two times, I still don't fully understand the story. I loved how scary it was without any jump scares. I would love to see a prequel or sequel.

"Incredibles 2"

When I heard about the sequel to this iconic Pixar movie I was really excited and this movie didn't disappoint. From Violet's romance to Jack-Jacks power, Edna Moda and the whole gang is back for this amazing adventure.

"Midnight Sun"

Is this film cheesy? Yes! Is it cute and sweet? Hells yes! The chemistry between Bella Thorne and Patrick Schwarzenegger is amazing and while it is cute, it is also real. I love this movie!

"The Nun"

This movie was really scary and the story was good. Seeing this movie made me get invested in the "Conjuring" series. I love seeing how the parts tie together and the conspiracy theories.


This movie was so creative and so suspenseful. No one saw the ending coming! The plot was realistic and I loved how the whole movie wasn't professionally filmed.

"Crazy Rich Asians"

This was so fun and so uplifting. The story and characters were amazing. I love how Asian diversity was included!

"To All The Boys I've Loved Before"

This movie was so good and Lara Jean and Peter were so cute! The movie encaptures the emotions of teenage romance. I was pleasantly surprised.

"Every Day"

A spirit who wakes up in a new body every day falls for a girl. I thought this was so cute and a nice twist on the classic teenage romance tale.

 "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again"

This movie was so good! The music and story was incredible and I still sing the songs to this day. It did not disappoint.

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