The first season of “Fuller House,” aka the reunion season of the show that encompasses your childhood and the 90s, ("Full House") premiered on Feb. 26, 2016 at 12 a.m. PST (3 a.m. East Coast Time). The premise of the new season is that with DJ’s family members pursuing their careers in Los Angeles, DJ is left struggling to raise her kids after the death of her husband, so sister Stephanie along with Kimmy Gibbler and her daughter move into the iconic home to help raise DJ’s family and live happily ever after.
“Fuller House” is like a dream for huge “Full House” fans who have been wanting more episodes of the classic show. The show “Full House” has taught us so many lessons, including the value of family and siblings as well as great comedy. “Fuller House” delivered the comedy, all the feels, and throwbacks to key phrases, songs, and traditions that they did in “Full House." It was cheesy, but fans like me loved it.
Here are some of the best moments of the season:
The new and improved introduction:
The creators did something right, because the new intro is such a throwback to the old introduction. I was singing along to the theme song at the top of my lungs. I was so happy with the consistency of the intros.
All of the split-screens showing the recreation of past scenes to present scenes:
This type of filming gave us all the feels during the premiere episode and you know you loved it.
The classic catchphrases:
You can’t make a reboot of an old show without incorporating important character catchphrases, and the season didn’t let us down. The old sayings were all said, repeatedly or changed slightly to fit the new show. Oh, the cheesiness.
Laughing at themselves:
This is such a true statement. Uncle Jessie (John Stamos) looks like he hasn't aged at all, and he knows it. Maybe the secret is starring in a super famous show?
I love a show that allows the characters to make jokes and laugh about themselves. However, “Fuller House” isn’t just some “lame reunion show," it’s a cheesy, lovable season on Netflix.
Is this a sly Taylor Swift reference? Since Taylor Swift’s album name, 1989, and one of her songs "Style" was partially quoted? I think so, and I love it.
At the same time, it was also a throwback to all the embarrassing colored shirts that Joey and the other characters wore on the show.
Relationship goals featuring Uncle Jessie and Aunt Becky:
Have mercy! Uncle Jessie and Aunt Becky are the couple you always wanted to be. Twenty-nine years later, and they are still in love and adorable. Hands down, one of the best and hottest TV couples.
Funny jokes relevant to today:
Even though many references are references to “Full House," there was a good amount of jokes relating to the present day. Even Donald Trump supporters can appreciate this joke. Also, how cute is this kid?
The references to the absence of the Olsen twins:
Although the Olsen twins couldn’t reprise their role of Michelle Tanner, the writers still wrote them into the show with jokes. Awkward or cute? You decide.
Staring at the camera like they are on "The Office?"A priceless moment on the show that made me laugh and be in awe with shock. Kudos to the writers.
Want more great jokes and funny scenes? Watch the first season of "Fuller House"on Netflix. You won’t regret it.