Top 40 Looks from Met Gala 2018 | The Odyssey Online
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See if your favorite looks the list :D


40. Anne Hathaway

As a weekly project, I have decided to begin making lists - This week, I will be breaking down the "TOP 40 Looks" from the "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination" Met Gala 2018.

For a more interactive version of these lists (complete with voting, immediate responses about your opinions, and a full commentary) you may follow me on my personal Instagram account at @rivercjohnson

Also, feel free to contact me on any social media platform to argue why your favorite didn't make it higher or vice versa. :)

Okay! Here we go:

40. Anne Hathaway

Image result for anne hathaway met gala

39. Emilia Clarke

Image result for Emilia Clarke Met Gala

38. Doutzen Kroes

Image result for Doutzen Kroes met gala

37. Madonna

Image result for Madonna met gala

36. Cardi B (Although in this photo, she looks a bit like a Pokemon floating above its name back and forth before you pick it for your team...You feel me?)

Image result for Cardi B Met Gala

35. Priyanka Chopra

Image result for priyanka chopra Met Gala

34. Troye Sivan

Image result for Troye Sivan Met Gala

33. Darren Kris

Image result for Darren Criss Met Gala

32. Sarah Paulson

Image result for Sarah Paulson met gala 2018

31. Gabrielle Union

Image result for Gabrielle Union Met Gala

30. Kim Kardashian

Image result for Kim Kardashian Met Gala

Image result for Kim Kardashian Met Gala

29. GiGi Hadid

Image result for GiGi Hadid Met Gala

Image result for GiGi Hadid Met Gala

28.Lana Del Rey & Jared Leto

Image result for Lana Del Rey and Jared Leto Met Gala

27. Winnie Harlow

Image result for Winnie Harlow met gala

26.Janelle Monae

Image result for Janelle Monae met gala

25.Cassie & Diddy

Image result for Cassie and Diddy met gala 2018

24. Tessa Thompson

Image result for Tessa Thompson met gala 2018

23. I'm honestly not sure who this is. (Feel free to DM me if you do!) But i'm here for it. (Since I couldn't figure out who it was, I didn't know the name to search for to get a photo of her to attach, so I had to use the one that I had on my Instagram story of this list. @rivercjohnson)

22.Diane Kruger

Image result for Diane Kruger Met Gala 2018

21.Frances McDormand

Image result for Frances McDormand Met Gala 2018

20. Hailee Steinfeld

Image result for Hailee Steinfeld Met Gala 2018

19. Donnatella Versace

Image result for Donatella Versace\ Met Gala 2018

18. Irina Shayk

Image result for Irina Shayk Met Gala 2018

17. Becky

Image result for Rita Ora Met Gala 2018

I mean, Rita Ora...

Image result for Rita Ora Met Gala 2018

16. Mary J. Blige

Image result for Mary J. Blige Met Gala 2018

15. Katharine McPhee

Image result for Katharine McPhee Met Gala 2018

14. Jasmine Sanders

Image result for jASMINE sANDERS Met Gala 2018

13. Solange Knowles

Image result for Solange Knowles Met Gala 2018

12. This Beautiful Lady (whom again, unfortunately, I do not know who she is. As always, feel free to DM! :)

11. Sarah Jessica Parker

Image result for Sarah Jessica Parker Met Gala 2018

10. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Image result for Rosie Huntington Whiteley Met Gala 201810 CHA

9. Chadwick Boseman - (I desperately want this outfit)

Image result for Chadwick Boseman Met Gala 2018

8. SZA (Those Boooooots!)

Image result for SZA Met Gala 2018

Image result for SZA Met Gala 2018

7. Jennifer Lopez

Image result for Jennifer Lopez Met Gala 2018

6. Nicki Minaj

Image result for Nicki Minaj Met Gala 2018

5. Ariana Grande

Image result for Ariana Grande Met Gala 2018

Image result for Ariana Grande Met Gala 2018

4. Zendaya

Image result for Zendaya Met Gala 2018

Image result for Zendaya Met Gala 2018

3. Rihanna

Image result for Rihanna Met Gala 2018

2. Blake Lively

Image result for Blake Lively Met Gala 2018

Image result for Blake Lively Met Gala 2018

1. Cara Delevingne - You can fight me.

Image result for Cara Delevingne Met Gala 2018

Image result for Cara Delevingne Met Gala 2018

Choosing between the top 3 were extremely hard. I eventually chose Cara as the top simply because it fits more of an aesthetic that i find more visually appealing. I love that it is perfectly constructed to her body. I love the geometrics. Im living for it.

Thanks for following along on this fashion journey!

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