10 Best John Mayer Lyrics Of All Time | The Odyssey Online
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10 Best John Mayer Lyrics Of All Time

A definitive list of lyrics that you'll surely love, too.

10 Best John Mayer Lyrics Of All Time

If you're a person who's close to me, you most likely know of my infatuation with John Mayer. He's got a way with words, he's got a beautiful voice, oh and he's not too bad to look at either.

Here are the 10 best John Mayer lyrics... ever:

1. "It's not a silly little moment,
It's not the storm before the calm.
This is the deep and dying breath of
This love that we've been working on."

"Slow Dancing in a Burning Room": This is arguably my favorite song of all time. In this song, Mayer realizes that his love is basically doomed. The metaphor of the entire song is beautiful and even more, spot on.

2. "I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe

There I just said it, I'm scared you'll forget about me"

"Edge of Desire": I get the chills every time I hear this song. Do yourself a favor and listen to it (and its lyrics) in full.

3. "Belief is a beautiful armor
But makes for the heaviest sword"

"Belief": Mayer states it beautifully. Our beliefs, at times, lead to ignorance. And ignorance is catalytic for problems and confrontations and, in extreme cases, fights and wars.

4. "You know my paper heart
The one I fill with pencil marks
I think I might have gone and inked you in"

"A Face to Call Home": Everything about this song is sweet. (I would gladly be John Mayer's face to call home)

5. "When you show me love
I don't need your words"

"Love is a Verb": This song is so beautifully, yet so simply put. I love the simplicity of these lyrics, and I really love the message this song puts out. Words will never hold a candle to someone's actions. If you care about someone, show them.

6. "I was a killer, was the best they'd ever seen
I'd steal your heart before you ever heard a thing
I'm an assassin and I had a job to do
Little did I know that girl was an assassin too"

"Assassin": This song's cleverness is what I love most. Mayer basically says that he planned to reel a girl in and steel her heart without her even noticing or doing a thing. He quickly learns, though, that two can play that game.

7. "Half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
half of my heart takes time"

"Half of My Heart": I think that this song and its lyrics are really relatable to everyone. When falling in love, I think that we all try to think rationally and maybe try to stop ourselves from being too-all-in too quickly.

8. "So scared of getting older
I'm only good at being young
So I play the numbers game to find a way to say that life has just begun"

"Stop This Train": Another set of some of my favorite lyrics, ever. Let's face it- no one's excited to grow old. This song is beautiful and once again, Mayer has a really simple, yet eloquent way of explaining a universal feeling.

9. "Gravity is working against me
And gravity wants to bring me down"

"Gravity": Interpret this song as you will, but I'm going to say that it's about a man (aka John Mayer) who is fighting with all of his being not to be or fall in love. However, gravity's got a pretty solid grip on Mayer, and he can't help but feel himself succumbing and falling deeper.

10. "Now we see everything that's going wrong
With the world and those who lead it
We just feel like we don't have the means
To rise above and beat it"

"Waiting on the World to Change": First, this song is a classic. Second, these words could not be any more true. Our world is pretty messed up at times, and I'll be the first one to admit that, but even so, I know in my heart that myself alone could never end all wars or bring complete world peace. But beliefs like these are part of the problem. If we all believed that we could actually make a difference, maybe the world would be a more peaceful place.

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