Not only is Dr. Gregory House one of the best doctors on television ever, he also has said some pretty great things over the years. He is hilariously sarcastic, and he's also said some really deep, insightful things that are inspiring to many. Here's a list of some of my favorites:
Classic messing with Cuddy...
I really liked this particular episode where he says this, and it made me laugh out loud when I heard it.
This is just really deep and very un-House, which I love more than anything. It proves that even being sarcastic and cynical, he had some really insightful things to say once in a while.
This is just classic, funny House.
This is also a really deep, interesting quote. His famous quote, "everybody lies" is really interesting when you add in this.
This is just really sad, but also really good. House is a pretty self sufficient guy, and doesn't like to feel needed or know he's needed, but he is.
Classic, funny, shows their friendship.
Also classic, funny House.
Really great quote about a very real thing. No one is ever ready for anything life throws at them, even if they think they are.
I really just love him. He's awesome.
This scene is one of my all time favorites in House. It was just classic House not caring about his clinic patients and it had me laughing (and rewinding to rewatch) several times.
It is great to have someone in your life like that. He may hate himself, but he has plenty of people that care about him, even if he doesn't think so or thinks he doesn't deserved to be cared about.
I just really like this quote. It really makes you think about what makes the emotions love and hate a really intense thing.
I had to save the best, most iconic quote for last.
If only House was a real person, I'd love to have a drink with him and bask in his awesomeness someday.