The 10 Best Haunted Attractions Near The Pittsburgh Area | The Odyssey Online
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The 10 Best Haunted Attractions Near The Pittsburgh Area

If you're like me and enjoy scaring yourself half to death, read more...

The 10 Best Haunted Attractions Near The Pittsburgh Area

As someone who eats, sleeps, and breathes Halloween, I absolutely LOVE to go to haunted houses, haunted hayrides, corn mazes – literally anything considered spooky! I am extremely fortunate that I am from an area that is surrounded by such a variety of these kinds of attractions. If you’re like me and you’re close to the surrounding areas of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, then read on about some of my favorite haunted locations in the area, or some that I’m excited to go to for the first time this year!

(No specific order -- I couldn’t choose my favorite if I tried!)

1. ScareHouse – Etna, Pa

Located in Etna, PA, this local haunted attraction is one of the most well-known in the city, as well as all over the country. The ScareHouse has been given fantastic reviews from the Travel Channel, Buzzfeed, CBS, USA Today, and even Elijah Wood, who starred in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. In 2016, there are three new “haunts” featured in the house. This includes “The Summoning,” which will tell about the “secrets from Halloween 1932 that can no longer be kept.” The second new haunt is called “Nocturnia,” and I can imagine that it has something to do with the darkness. The website says, “Shadows fall, curtains rise, you won’t believe what’s waiting inside…” Finally, the last new haunt is called “Infernal,” and it looks just as creepy as it sounds. “The broadcast is live, but the crew are all dead. And no one can protect you from our collection of Demons, Devils, and the Damned.” The prices for this scary attraction can range anywhere from $18-$40, but that is due to the fact that they offer cheaper prices when you order them online in advanced, and they even offer very convenient RIP tickets, which allow you to skip the line once you arrive. You don’t want to miss out on this haunt!

2. Hundred Acres Manor – South Park, PA

Celebrating their 13th “Year of Fear,” this haunted house is now open and boasting two brand new attractions! There are six attractions total which are all included in the price of $20/ticket. The attractions include “Dead Lift,” which is a century-old elevator which will escort you to the depths of the Acres family estate, which is one “hell” of a ride. The next is “Damnation,” which is the tour of the family’s house. During the tour, you will witness some hungry zombies, minions of the night, and restless spirits. Next up is the “Torture Tank,” where “clients” are able to test out their favorite torturous devices on none other than – you, of course! If you make it through safely, you’ll then enter the “Vodou” attraction, where you will encounter Stitchers that want your body, a Priestess who wants your soul, and the bodies of the damned, as well. The first of the two new attractions is known as “The Breach,” which is the location of “Project Argos,” a space-bound research facility that has gone very, very badly. The creatures have taken over the facility and now you must try to escape. Once, and if, you do, you will then enter the second of the new attractions known as “Hallow’s Eve.” Not much has been released about this attraction other than the fact that “some legends refuse to die.” This will be a tribute to the classic Halloween monsters. If those 6 attractions aren’t enough to quench your thirst for fear, then attempt one of the two Escape Rooms that Hundred Acres Manor has to offer!

3. Demon House – Monongahela, PA

“One by one all seven men went into the mansion. The door slammed shut. The mansion began to rumble with a noise that could be heard from town. I could hear one of the men scream. Then. Silence.”

Joan Millington Synge

November 2, 1894

If you’re looking for another haunting experience based on a historical tale of the local city, you’ve come to the right spot! What’s really cool about this attraction is that it not only has the haunted house, but it also has a full concessions stand, tons of bonfires for groups to gather around, and movie projector which is always showing classic horror films, as well as some games to play for those who are waiting for their turn in the house. This attraction has fantastic ratings, so I believe it is definitely worth checking out!

4. Castle Blood – Monessen, PA

For more than 20 years Castle Blood has been terrifying families and friends alike. Located in a historic 100-year-old funeral home, this is one of Pennsylvania’s premier theatrical haunted attractions. The tour features a game that changes yearly, always with new game challenges that bring back enthusiastic guests again and again. American Airlines Magazine described a visit to Castle Blood as “playing Clue in the Addams Family house.” Tickets for this attraction are only $20/person, so this may be something different that I try to do once I go on Midterm Break!

5. Rich’s Fright Farm – Smithfield, PA

I went to #5 on the list for the first time last year, and might I say that it might have taken the title for my favorite haunted house for the year! The property is not only gorgeous, but HUGE! There are five total attractions including a haunted hayride through the woods, the Frightmare Mansion, the Hallow Grounds, the Terror Maze, and finally the “Paranoia 2.0” attraction which was just added on in 2015! These haunts include classic horror movie stars, zombies from the graves, a bayou, an underground mausoleum, a slaughterhouse, a 10,000 sq. foot maze featuring dark carnival characters, and so much more! Oh yeah, did I mention that the last (and optional) section of the maze is done while being blindfolded? That’s right – you and your friends will be guided through this attraction blindly, using only a rope to make it through to the end. This is a haunt that is worth the trip, worth the money, and will last all night long! Tickets are only $25/person, but they do sell out quick on some nights, so make sure to arrive early to guarantee a fun night of scares!

6. Allen’s Haunted Hayride – Smock, PA

Now, this one is a classic for my family and me! I remember driving all the way out to this hayride with a huge group of my family members, all the while being both terrified and excited for what was to come. The hayride itself is a 1-mile tour through a haunted forest, barn, and fields. The best part of the hayride is the narrator, AKA the tractor driver at the front of the vehicle who talks over a loud speaker and warns riders of what is to come – sometimes a bit too late. There are over 10 different displays and over 30 different spooks. Also on the property is the new attraction known as the “Tavern of Terror.” Now, I haven’t gone through this section of the property yet, but I’ve heard great things. The tour includes the 3500 square foot haunted walk through where you will see a “variety of classic horror ranging from Frankenstein to Dracula to Carnivale to an alien invasion!” The price for both of these attractions combined is just $25/ticket, and it is perfect for the family! Don’t forget to stop by some of the carnival booths as well for your shot at a stuffed animal or poster to take home!

7. Lonesome Valley Farms: Valley of Terror – Greensburg, PA

At this location, there are two attractions. One includes the haunted hayride and maze, and the other includes the “Slotter Farm House and Barn.” Dare to escape the gruesome madness at the "Slotter Farm". Over the years this was a thriving, productive farm. Three generations of quality crop & livestock production. Will B Slotter & his family have hundreds of trophies & ribbons to show for all of the "winners" they have produced on their farm. Then one day, in an effort to make a "superior" breed of livestock, something went terribly wrong for Will & his family. The crossbred animals began to mutate into aggressive flesh-eating creatures. The mutant creatures even turned on their creators-devouring Will and disfiguring his family. Legend has it that Will still visits the farmstead. The price for both attractions is just $23/ticket and will definitely be worth the money!

8. Haunted Hillside – Mt Pleasant, PA

Legend has it that many years ago, there were two young boys who were playing in a field when they discovered a strange item. By unearthing this item, they also released an ancient prison, and unlocked a demon that continues to cast an evil enchantment across the land. Come out to Haunted Hillside to see all of the terrors that followed this terrible release of the demon, including a group of killbillies, a dark ops team gone wrong, a mad scientist, and so much more! “The Forest of the Forgotten is where the victims of darker times exist. As the occult recites hymn from hell they maintain the evil enchantments that keep these spirits tied to this world. These poor souls may have been forgotten, but they ensure that anyone that ventures into their forest never forgets.” Tickets for this attraction are only $20/person!

9. Haunted Expedition – Wexford, PA

Haunted Expedition is the Pittsburgh area's newest attraction. Guests will board a haunted hayride which takes them to our walk through attraction located through a corn field, woods, and an orchard with structures in between. Haunted Expedition is the only haunted attraction in the area to entirely change its theme each year so customers have a unique experience each season. Haunted Expedition features actors who are trained to interact with guests rather than simply scare them in order to fully immerse them in the experience! This super fun, interactive experience is only $15/ticket!

10. Phantom Fright Nights at Kennywood – West Mifflin, PA

Last, but certainly NOT least, KENNYWOOD! This is an event that I have not missed in years. Phantom Fright Nights are where some of my most favorable memories take place. Each year, there is something new to witness, whether it be a new walk-through experience, new scenarios set up around the park, or new friends to go to the park with. If you’re not familiar with Kennywood, it is a huge amusement park located right outside of Pittsburgh. This means that not only are you getting the experience of getting scared throughout the night, but you can also enjoy the rides, the games, and most importantly the amusement park food! There are so many attractions that you can choose to walk through as many times as you would like to! From Noah’s Haunted Ark, to the Mortem Manor, to the Villa of the Vampire, the scares never end! There are over 10 attractions that will keep you busy – and scared – all night long! Tickets for general admission are only $28.99 at Giant Eagle. If that’s still a bit too pricy for you, there are college student nights where you can receive a discounted ticket ($17) just by showing your student ID! If you’ve never experienced a night of scares at Kennywood, I HIGHLY suggest it!

https://www.kennywood .com/pfn

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