The 15 Best Haunted Halloween Attractions In New Jersey | The Odyssey Online
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15 Spooktacular Halloween Attractions In New Jersey That Will Leave You Nothing Short Of Terrified

By daytime, Casola Farms is a peaceful farm with fun fall activities. But by night, it transforms to prey on your fears!

Guy wearing a scary Halloween mask

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Halloween? The best holiday of the year! It's the time where getting scared until you almost pee your pants is an actual fun activity with your friends each weekend. Well, thrill-seekers unite, this list is your go-to to the scariest haunted attractions across New Jersey! From haunted hayrides to escape rooms to corn mazes that'll leave you lost for hours, take a look at the places that'll leave you too afraid to sleep!

1. Bane Haunted House

Bane Haunted House is considered Jersey's scariest haunted house, most likely because it is the only attraction in Jersey that allows full contact. That's right, full contact! With more than 100 live actors, this place plays on your fears, such as fear of the dark, anxiety, and clowns. You're separated from your friends and forced to climb, jump, and even crawl your way through the house.

2. Brighton Asylum

This attraction was featured on Buzzfeed and "The Today Show" for good reason. The Brighton Asylum offers a haunted house that plays on your worst fears with Hollywood like scenes and superb actors where you can now go for a "contact" round where the actors can touch you. Totally optional if you're a wuss! On top of the haunted house, they also offer four escape rooms where you can feel what it's like to be trapped in a movie like "Saw" or "1408."

3. Scary Rotten Farms

A fan favorite, Scary Rotten Farms offers three haunted experiences: Blackened (The Plague), Sinister Sneed's Chaotic Carnival of Chaos, and new for 2018: Twisted Tales, which will make your childhood fairy tales turn to nightmares real quick!

4. Fright Fest

What's better than a haunted attraction? A haunted attraction mixed with a theme park! Fright Fest at Six Flags Great Adventure is a favorite that always brings a crowd in. Six Flags has almost ten haunted attractions, including a prison break and a post-apocalyptic world, as well as terrifying actors walking around throughout the park. And if you decide to stop the haunt, you can always see one of their thrilling shows or jump on some roller coasters instead

5. Casola Farms

By daytime, Casola Farms is a peaceful farm with fun fall activities. But by night, it transforms to prey on your fears! This attraction offers classic but spooky hayrides, terrifying corn mazes, and The Walk of Terror through the Forbidden Forrest filled with your worst nightmares!

6. Allaire State Park

Allaire takes you back to the 18th century with their version of Halloween. A scary hayride is followed by a trip to the historic village where you'll meet ghosts, ghouls, and monsters. There is storytelling at the chapel, haunted houses, and not-so-scary (but delicious!) treats at the bakery. Heads up: this place is much more family-friendly than the others.

7. Nightmare at Gravity Hill

Another fan favorite, Nightmare at Gravity Hill is just that: a nightmare! This attraction is spread out across 5 acres with dozens of different settings and scenes. This isn't your comfortable hayride, but a 35-minute walk through the terrifying unknown!

8. Camp Evans Base of Terror

If you think a haunted attraction taking place in an old military camp is creepy, you would be right! Camp Evans Base of Terror is a 1/2 mile spine-chilling walk through terrifying and even disturbing scenes... and history!

9. Field of Terror

Away from the bonfire and concessions, Field of Terror offers four haunting attractions: the Haunted Hayride to Terror Town, a walk through the Killer Kornfield, a frightening experience inside the Unknown Barn, and the House of Insanity, which will make you question your own sanity by the end of it!

10. The 13th Hour Haunted House

Another attraction that offers both a haunted house and terrifying escape rooms, The 13th Hour Haunted House is one of America's best haunted houses and started in Chicago before opening its second location in New Jersey. Five escape rooms filled with intricate puzzles, secret passageways, and a deadline. Explore John Hayden's house, the cookhouse, the dungeon, and his grand parlor.

11. Night of Terror at Creamy Acres

One of the largest and scariest haunted attractions in the Tri-State area, Night of Terror offers six equally terrifying experiences with actors and animatronics that won't leave you disappointed. Check out the Ride of Terror, Dark Dreams, Slaughter Cave, the Harvest, and something that is both thrilling and fun, Haunted Paintball Hayride!

12. Cornfield of Terror

The Cornfield of Terror offers fun times during the day, but at night the Cornfield becomes a terrifying and chilling adventure. Find your way through as chilling monsters approach you, or check out the regular corn maze in the dark if you're too chicken. They also offer free movies and bonfires once you're done.

13. Dracula's Domain

Dracula's Domain offers three petrifying attractions that'll leave you shaking in your boots. Jump onto this haunted hayride that covers 66 acres of deep woods, take a walk on the "psycho path," and if you're brave enough to survive these two, try out the dead end corn maze!

14. Sleepy Hollow

The Sleepy Hollow Haunted Acres offers three nerve-racking attractions that'll scare you to the core. Jump onto the Sleepy Hollow hayride, venture into the Field of Fright, and explore The House in the Hallow, one of the most haunted houses around. After, hang around the bonfires and enjoy some live music.

15. Bloodshed Farms Fear Fest

Bloodshed Farms Fear Fest offers an interesting approach to Halloween attractions. Apart from the Trail of Terror and Hellgate Asylum, it also offers a creepy interactive camper escape room. Even better (or worse) their intense and unique "Blood Shed" where only one person will enter the shed and the rest of the group will watch their friend scream through a vision camera. This experience is truly one of the kind!

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