The Christmas season is now over. We are well in to a few weeks of 2017, and a few months away from a vacation of more than a day. While I love the holidays and all that they entail, I don't necessarily love how they are revolved around such a shiny, materialistic life. I love getting to see family that I only see once a year, the food, the free-time, giving, and I even love the receiving part too. However, I believe the combination of all of these things take away from the "reason for the season," as cliche as it may sound. We get carried away with all the rush of Christmas, and forget to sit in His presence and acknowledge the sacrifice He made for us here on earth, eventually dying for the sins we commit daily. We beam with pride on Christmas morning as we open the gift we have longed for, and forget to rejoice even more so in adoration to our Father for coming to save us from this sinful world - the best gift we could've been given.
While it is okay to be happy about the gifts given and received and get excited about using them, it is not okay to idolize them over the Creator. His name is above all names, and He should be praised above all things. The bible tells us that our possessions here on earth are "but a vapor," and that we should store our riches in Heaven. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Mathew 6:21).