Currently you are 5,091 miles away having the adventure of a lifetime.
I am so proud of you! You took the chance to fly across the globe and explore Europe. You've been to Dublin, Rome, Paris, London and more and I love to sit and look at all the pictures you post. I feel like I've been there with you. I can’t wait for you to be back home so you can tell me millions of stories about your trip.
I’m not going to lie to you, it has been hard not to have you here. This semester just hasn’t been the same. I live for the moments we FaceTime from across the world, when you wake up I’m just going to sleep but I stay up late just to talk to you. I miss being able to crawl into your bed when I just need to cuddle and coming home to find you asleep in my bed. I miss our deep life talks, doing homework at McDonald's, Sims, and taking ugly screenshots of each other to save for blackmail. I miss jamming in the car with you on the way to Walmart and constantly posting pictures with you. It’s so hard to remember every little thing that happens here, but I want to tell you all of them! I even miss taking that terrible class with you because we made it fun. I miss your laugh, your sassy jokes and your crazy stories.
I hope you are having the time of your life! I hope you remember these adventures for years to come. I hope you eat all the gelato you can and take in all the beauties of Europe. I cant wait to hear all that you've learned, seen and eaten. I am counting down the days until you come home and am winding up for a big crazy reunion hug!
I am so excited for your adventures abroad but even more for our adventures when you come home!
With all the love in the world,