I feel like every state/city has that popular college that almost half the students in your high school graduating class attend.
I was one of them.
It wasn't initially by choice, but now I wouldn't have it any other way. At first, though, I felt trapped and alone.
I always envisioned myself going to a college where I knew no one. I wanted to branch out and meet new people and find a place where I felt at home with the friends I surrounded myself in.
Since I did go to a popular college in my city, I felt trapped inside this bubble with the familiar faces of the people with whom I graduated.
It was hard because I really just wanted to make a whole new friend group and make new memories with them. I just wanted to get out there and make new connections.
Finally, I did.
Because of my classes, clubs and the social sorority that I joined, I met some of the best people I think I could've ever met in college.
And I'm not just saying that to be dramatic.
They make me happy that I attend the college that I do, they make me excited to come to school because I know I'll see them, and they push me to be the best version of myself that I can be.
I didn't have friends like that in high school.
I'm now surrounded by so many new faces, and it's refreshing. It makes my campus feel more like home.
I wish I could've met them sooner, but now we have our whole lives ahead of us. And they're the best friends I could've ever asked for.
So, if you're reading this, step out of your comfort zone, make yourself known, and meet new people.
You never know how much they could mean to you in such a short period of time.