A best friend is something that only comes once in a blue moon, and once you find a good one you should hold on tight. There are lots of people out there that you could choose from but these are some of the qualities that I look for in my best friends. They aren't make or break, but they are some good qualities to have on your radar when searching for a bestie for the resties.
Loves Jesus.
For me, this is the most important quality. Finding someone who loves Jesus as much as I do has been a major blessing. Friends that push you toward the Lord and are encouraging are genuinely the best kind of friends, and I'm thankful I have a couple of these as they really push me to be a better version of myself.
Down for Anything.
This is another good quality because friends that will drop almost anything and come hang out with you whether it be for an adventure or a night of nothing must really love you. They are also the kinds of friends that make life a lot more fun.
A friend that cracks you up is LiTeRaLlY so great. There is nothing better than belly laughing at next to nothing with a friend. Everything from inside jokes to next to nothing, its all better when you have someone laughing equally as hard next to you. You both think that the other one is the funniest person in the world and there is almost nothing better.
Everybody loves kind people. They are selfless and put your needs in front of their own a lot of the time. Kind friends will love you through almost all of your trials and will never leave you to fend for yourself.
Adventure is so fun and someone who is down to clown for any and all adventures is the best. They make life more fun and your friendship gets stronger because you go through so many crazy things side by side. Adventurous friends are good friends to have.
Almost nothing is better than a friend who is really loyal to you. They are by your side through thick and thin and will never leave you. Any differences you have, you always get through and your friendship bounces back stronger than it was before. you are there for each other no matter what.
It would seem obvious that a best friend should be friendly but I figured I would say it anyway. A friendly best friend Is great because when someone shows up to hang out with you guys, they are welcoming and open to bringing this new friend into your pack. Plus, they can talk to a wall so you don't always feel like you have to keep the conversation going.
Obviously, all these qualities are optional but I know I have a couple friends who check all these boxes and they are some of the best people that have come into my life. I love my friends and I hope this list helps you find some that are as great as mine are!