I'm pretty sure everyone's at least experienced this once or twice in their lives (and maybe still do), where these individuals we once called, "best friends" and/or "family" just out of no where, upped and dropped us out of their lives. No warning. No explanation. The initial and strongest reaction out of this is shock. We back track to figure out what the hell we did to deserve that. It was uncalled for.
But then after a few hour or days, it doesn't matter anymore, or at least, it shouldn't. This only recently happened to me and quite honestly, I'm not even mad. I'm actually amused. One of the reasons why it doesn't bother me is because in reality, it's not my problem. Whatever the reasons were, it sounds like a personal problem that apparently had something to do with me. It wasn't called to my attention so therefore, it's really not my issue to deal with. Even without this reason, I don't believe I did anything wrong to get dropped the way I did or maybe I did do something wrong. Oh well. Grow up and move on from it.
Before you decide to call me out on this, I'm all too familiar with dropping people out of my life. It's not the first time I'll be dropping people out of my life and it certainly won't be the last. The difference is that, I do so within reason and not because of some new "bae" in the picture, who seems to be insecure that they would have to ask certain people to be blocked but have the audacity to peep on different accounts. I have blocked people for sheer stupidity but mostly, due to disrespect; I'm just not having that. Nope. Do I feel guilty? Not at all. Once that door closes, whether I close it or someone else, it's closed for good. There is no coming back from that. For whatever could be going on, good or bad, 3 AM or not, I could care less. There was no heads up when the sudden cut off happened; the end results shouldn't be surprising.
I mean sure, they don't owe you an explanation; they're not obligated to. But wouldn't you think for a second, you deserve some sort of explanation out of respect and courtesy or decency as a human being? Forget the fact that you've been bff's for x amount of years; clearly that friendship didn't mean shit if you get dropped out of the blue. The lack of any sort of warning, shows just the opposite and quite in fact, the saltiness of said person.
But don't feel bad. Really, don't feel bad. People that don't belong in your lives anymore tend to remove themselves and make room for better individuals. Yes, the trash pretty much takes itself out, figuratively speaking. The tendency that they even try to come back and revive said friendship is more than likely because it didn't work out for them the way they planned. That's just too bad. Every choice, every decision has it's own consequence; there's no escaping from that.
It's just time to say good bye and move on to better people.