Recently, I have noticed that you're still dealing with the aftermath of a heartbreak. Trust me, I get it. No judgement, either. I say that like there’s ever been any judgement in our friendship, anyways. I hope most of what I’m going to say to you in this letter you already know. If not, I haven't been doing a very good job as your best friend.
Here it goes...
A break up sucks. It does. No matter who did the heartbreaking in the break up, it still sucks. I know it is even worse when you know they’re not alone. I’m with you there, girl. You may not want him, but you sure as heck don’t want her to have him. Sure, it's selfish, but I feel like it's a natural feeling after you’ve given so much of yourself to a person the way you do in a relationship.
I know, sometimes, you miss him. I find myself thinking I miss my ex boyfriend, too. At least until I remember why I broke up with him in the first place and then I come back to my senses. That’s when I remind myself that my own happiness is more important than any boy could ever be. I hope you believe that, as well.
I know a break up gets worse when you’re alone in your room and you’ve got nothing to do, but think. I find myself getting anxious sometimes. Maybe you do, too. This is when I contemplate whether or not I made the right decision -- I did, and so did you.
As much as you probably want to see only the good in him, I remember how he made you feel every time you searched for reassurance and all he gave you was an attitude. I hated watching your self esteem gradually decline over the course of your last relationship. You may not blame him, but I do.
It probably bothers you that she thinks she “won” but, honey, I can promise you she hasn't. I can also promise you that if he is the prize, you wouldn't want to win anyways. So, let her think she's won. Let her think he's faithful and the greatest thing to walk the earth. We know the truth.
You deserve someone who treats you like a queen. You deserve someone that is going to give you all the attention you want and take you on sushi dates. You deserve someone who laughs at all your jokes and doesn't mind if you occasionally pass gas. You need someone that is going to tell you you’re pretty even if it has been three days since you’ve washed your hair and someone that will take you rollerskating since no one else seems to be as big of a fan of it as you. You deserve someone that is going to lift you up, not tear you down.
Your ex-boyfriend tries to credit me for breaking you two up. Honestly, I’d be glad to take the blame, but that's just not the case. He was steadily building a case against himself for roughly two years. You were and are entirely too good for him. I firmly believe you are the best he will ever get. Once your heart stops hurting and your chest stops aching, you’ll see what I saw the entire time. You’ll see how much of a blessing this breakup is.
In the meantime, I want you to do all the things that make you happy. I want you to do everything (reasonable) in your power to erase his name off your lips -- and your phone. I want you to remember how beautiful and unique you are and if you’re searching for love in all the wrong places, stop. You’ll find the right love when you stop looking for it.
You’re going to do great things in your life, and you’ll find the right man somewhere along the wrong. He will make you realize why no one else seemed to work out quite right. Your ex boyfriend’s name won't always sting to hear and you will eventually stop hating his girlfriends. I know you don't believe me now, but take it from me, those feelings eventually subside and you will make peace with it.
If you don’t take anything else away from this letter, take this: You are worth it. You are beautiful. You are enough and no boy will ever be worth your tears. This is a blessing in disguise and I'm still waiting on someone to be good enough for my best friend.
I love you.